Ball of Yarn

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"Antihero.." I tried out the word.

My dad nodded. "Jason and I don't see eye to eye on many things, how to go about crime fighting is one." He explained.

"But you still love him and take him in when he needs help and that's what matters." I smiled, looking into my dad's eyes.

He was speechless for a while. "I guess you're right." He gave a small smile. It was quiet for a moment, besides the sounds of Jason's light snores. My dad cleared his throat and stood. "Alfred said you can come downstairs anytime you want when you're hungry and he will make you whatever you want for breakfast."

My eyes widened, did Alfred treat everyone this way? "Alright." Was the only word that was able to escape my lips.

"Damian is at school so it's just us four and the dog until this afternoon." He informed me. He turned to leave out the door.

They had a dog? "Wait!" I called after him.

"Hm?" He turned back around, a dark eyebrow raised.

"I was wondering, if I could maybe get some of my stuff from back in Brooklyn?" I spoke shyly. "Like my clothes and my cats." I said the last word quietly.

He grinned. "Of course. We are a pet friendly house. There was once a cow here." He chuckled. "And I'm sure Titus won't mind." He added.

I assumed Titus was the dog. I let out a sigh of relief. If my cats were still home I could at least bring them here to remind me of my mom. "Thank you." I smiled.

"No need to thank me." He brushed it off. I couldn't hold myself back, I threw the covers off of me and jumped out of the bed quickly. I wrapped my arms around him. He was surprised at first but soon brought one of his hands to rest on my back and the other to rest on my head, stroking my hair.

Be hind us there were sniffles. "Awww you guys are so cute." Jason said, wiping away fake tears. "My little Brucey is growing up."

I giggled at my brother but my dad was less than amused.

°Time Skip°

I stepped out of the shower, drying myself off. The mirror of the bathroom was fogged up. I wrapped a towel around myself and wiped part of the mirror so I could see the reflection of my eyes. Bright and as blue as always. My bangs were growing out past my eyes, I didn't really like that, I'd have to cut them or clip them soon. I sighed and turned to the door. I opened up and a puff of steam was let out into the bedroom I was staying in.

My eyes immediately caught that the bed was made and fresh clothes were folded on top of the quilt. I took a closer look and found they were my extra clothes that I brought in my back pack which were soaked through. I picked up the plain grey T-shirt and pulled it up to my nose. It smelled so fresh. I removed the towel from my body and pulled on the clothes, my hair was still a little wet so my shirt became a little damp around the collar.

I sat in the chair and pulled on my shoes, lacing them up. I stood and pulled on my jacket, making sure my apartment keys were still in the pocket. I opened the room door and stepped out. I walked downstairs and was met with the sight of Alfred fixing his coat. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"I'm afraid because of the time you will have to accompany me in retrieving Damian from school on our way back." His smile fell a little.

I shrugged. "That's fine." My dad said I shouldn't worry about him anymore, and I could always just ignore him.

Alfred nodded and held the door open for me, once I walked out he locked it behind us. I was able to get a good look around... The front yard? Garden? Whatever, but the bushes were cut in all different shapes, the green was welcome in this gloomy weather. There was a bird fountain, the water wasn't running, it was probably too cold anyway, all the birds would have migrated. There was a white bench in front of the fountain, though. I knew that would be my favorite place in the summer.

Would I still be here in the summer? Or would I go back to live with my mom by then, assuming we find her - which we will, I have not doubt - by summer. I would like for my parents to get together but who knows if that would happen. I'm not even sure of the reason they were separated in the first place, I mean I'm sure it had something to do with their second lives. My mom literally kept me hidden from my father, and its not because he was a deadbeat. Far from it, I already loved him with all my heart. Maybe my mom knew that I would love him and didn't want to share? That doesn't sound like my mom.

I didn't notice Alfred had walked down the few stairs and was now holding a limousine door open for me. A walked down the steps and stopped in front of him, my mouth hung open. "Um... Could I... Would you mind if I sat in the front with you?" I asked shyly. Blushing a little. I didn't want to be left alone in the backseat.

He seemed surprised at the question but he didn't waste anytime. He closed the door he was holding open an opened the passenger side door instead. I smiled and got in I was caught off guard my how warm the limo was already and how clean it was. Once I was in he closed the door softly and walked around the front to the drivers side. I buckled my seat-belt and held my hands together in my lap. He got in the car and I realized the keys were already in it and it was already started, but I didn't hear it, that was new. We started off down the driveway and I reminded him of the address of my apartment .

We got there in twenty minutes. A twenty minute drive in heavy traffic that took me more than a week to walk. You could say I was a little mad. We walked into the building and after walking up the steps I opened the door to the apartment. There was a flurry of meows and I grinned as my cats ran up to me. I knelt as the felines jumped in my arms. I giggled and they purred happily. Things were going to work out, I could feel it. I didn't have to worry about what would happen after all of this, things would just fall into place.

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