Flock Together

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It was cold, and I couldn't sleep. They brought boxes cereal for us to eat, I didn't want any, I let the other girls have their pick. I looked around at all of them, squinting my eyes in the dim light. They were all fast asleep now. I felt like sobbing, but I didn't want to wake them. I don't belong here. I'm not a runaway, I'm not homeless, my parents didn't kick me out. I was just looking for my father. It's crazy how I don't even know him but he's still getting me into trouble. It's also crazy how I know I still love him, even though I don't know him. But my mom loves him, so he must be a good guy.

My mom, the ultimate reason I'm here right now. Who knows where she is. She's probably in a situation worse than mine. What if she wants me to go with my father because she thinks she's going to die.... No. No.

I shook my head to clear it. My mother is the strongest person I know, she can't be dead. She isn't dead. She's probably fighting now, and what am I doing? Just sitting around looking sorry, I have a mission and I plan on completing it. I've already taken too long, now is the time for action.

I walked over to the door and inspected it. It was smooth and cold, no handle on this side, not even a key hole. That means one of them can only come in at a time. When Freddie came in he kept the door cracked behind him, his hand held tightly on to his gun, though, in case anyone tried anything. I bet both men keep keys on them, just in case. So if we could trap one in here-

My thoughts were cut off when a hand touched my shoulder, I turned and saw it was Lucky. She held a finger to her lips and her head nodded backwards to a dark corner on the ceiling. 'Camera' she mouthed I nodded and sat with my back to it. She sat next to me and we both looked forward at the door.

"I'm going to get out." I whispered. "I'm going to get us all out."

"How?" she asked genuinely curious.

I shook my head slightly. "I don't know for sure yet, but I'm coming up with a plan."

Lucky dropped her chin to her chest and her blonde hair shaded her face. "How can I help?" she asked and my eyes widened, I would have thought she would have called be crazy and told me to go to sleep.

"As I come up with everything you can pass it on the the next girl and and so on." I offered cautiously, waiting for her reaction.

After what seemed like ages she gave a slow single nod.

I smiled, but I'm sure it looked more like a grimace because I didn't feel like smiling at all. She stood and I copied her. I shivered. "Where is that breeze coming from?" I asked her.

"There's a vent over there." she pointed. I went over to check it out, mindful of the camera and laid down next to the vent like I was going to sleep. I heard Lucky find her place too, a few feet away from me. I inspected the vent and my heart leapt for joy. It was screwed down but it was big enough for one of the smaller girls to fit. I wonder why the others didn't see this opportunity before, all you had to do was use your nails to unscrew it. I looked at my nails, fairly long, strong, and clean, I remembered that these girls spent most of their time on the street, they probably chipped all their nails....

I pushed the sad thoughts away and focused on the vent cover. I started unscrewing it, and was glad to find they came easily and quietly. I froze when I heard echoes coming from the vent. I listened closely and identified them as voices, it was those two men.

"Yeah, they're finally all asleep, the new girl was waiting at the door, probably waiting for some more food, but the Blondie came over and showed her the ropes." One of them said, I couldn't make out whose voice was whose.

I smirked, they have no clue how stupid they are, or what's really going on.

"She's going to go for a fortune, we should have kept Number Fourteen longer, they could be twins!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nah, the buyer would never go for that, they only want the mature ones."

"I know, but I still think they cheated us with fourteen and we should have kept her hidden longer."

"Idiot, the Buyer would have found out we were holding one away."

I tried to decode their speech but it was hard when I could barely make out their echoed words and I was concentrating on removing the cover of the vent. I finally removed the third screw and went to loosen the fourth and last. When I finished I moved the screws to the pocket of my jeans and I brainstormed until I fell asleep.

°Time Skip°

I woke up and had to remind myself where I was. It wasn't that hard because Birdy bounded over to me and hugged me. She pulled away and I was able to see her grinning face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you always say good morning like that?" I giggled.

She shook her head. "No, you're just special."

I raised an eyebrow. "Me? How?" I asked.

She leaned in closer. "Lucky told us." She whispered.

I looked over to Lucky, the blonde was sitting up against a wall, looking at the ground. I looked around and saw the other girls were glancing at me every now and again.

The little humming Bird in front of me erupted. "So do you have the full plan yet? You remind me so much of Chrissy. She would have come up with a plan too. How are we all going to get out? No one has ever been a leader. No one ever thought to get out. Well I did but I didn't talk about it. Even Andy wants to help. What's the plan?" She whispered.

I laughed, did she ever need to come up for air? "I don't have the full plan yet but I have something." I smiled softly.

I didn't even notice Andy coming over until she spoke and I jumped. "I don't normally help out with suicide missions but I'm tired of these walls so I'll tell you what I know." she whispered strongly. I didn't even get to speak before she cut me off. "Listen, I'm the only one here who let those two guys walk me in here, I'm the only one who knows what's outside those doors and how to get out. You need me."

"Then help me." I looked around. Lucky was smart, Patty was reasonable, Olly was observant, Birdy was small, but so many other things too, and Andy was strong. "I'm going to need everyone's help."

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