Strange Birds

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I've been roaming this city for a full day now. All the streets were confusing, the city was like a maze. Not to mention the heavy air and police sirens every couple of minutes. I could see why my mom never took me here. She told me she grew up here and was glad she got out. I can see why. The people on the streets even seemed like they didn't want to be here. I didn't dare talk to them. I couldn't. Not after what happened before. I couldn't sleep either. It scared me to think of what would happen if I closed my eyes, whether it be the scary visions of Birdy's last breaths in my dreams, or the thought of someone sneaking up on me and capturing me when I was least likely to fight back.

I've been gripping the knife in my pocket this whole time. I don't know how I made it through the night. Lack of sleep also had me on edge. I clenched my jaw and tried to keep my eyes open. I kept walking. I had to find him. Soon. I needed him. Mom needed me to find him, so I had to find him.

These dang streets weren't making it easy for me. I didn't want to go in any stores. It had to be around four or five in the afternoon. The streets were packed with people getting off work on their way home. I wished I could go home. Any house really. I didn't get enough sleep when I was trapped in the basement and now I'm not getting any. I was going to pass out soon. I had some food in my backpack I took from the store. I wouldn't go hungry for a while, even if it was mostly junk, it was something.

I missed my house. I missed my cats. I missed my mom so much it broke my heart. I tried not to cry as I walked down the street.

It was cold and getting darker. I bit my lip, I didn't want to go another night alone in this city. I saw a bus stop up a head and nearly sprinted to it. It was empty but it was a little shelter from the wind. On one of the glass walls I saw a map, I turned to study it. I pulled the piece of paper with the address on it out of my jeans and looked for it. While I was searching I heard someone come up behind me and I tensed.

"Hey-" they spoke.

I turned around quickly. "D-don't come any closer." I whispered breathlessly. I saw it was a just a boy about my age but that wasn't going to make me trust him. He seemed like he was just like me, dusty, ripped clothes. Dirty skin. Black oily hair that went to his chin. He had scratches all over like he got into a fight with an alley cat.

He held his hands up. "I just thought you might need a little help." he tried to take a step closer and I pulled the knife out of my pocket and pointed it at him even though the blade wasn't out. He raised his eyebrows.

"Just go away, I don't need any help." I insisted.

"WelI I think you're going to need to learn how to open that knife faster if you're going to stay here." he took the knife from my hand gently. I took a step back but kept an eye on him. "Watch, have your thumb here... and then push out and flick your wrist like this." he explained everything he did then handed the knife back to me. "You try." I took it from him cautiously.

I tried to copy what he did the best I could but I was still a little slow. I tried again.

"There you go, keep practicing." he watched me work the knife then he looked me in my eyes. "You're not from around here are you?" he asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head slowly. I kept the knife open and pointed at him.

He chuckled. "C'mon ask me how I know." His green eyes reminded me of Birdy and that made me uncomfortable. Well I mean his whole presence made me uncomfortable but the eyes were just killing me.

"No." I said glaring at him.

"Wow that's a good glare, you should lead with that next time and save the knife for later." he smiled and I stayed silent. "Well I could tell that you're not from around here 'cause I've never seen you around here and I've seen everyone. And you're looking at a map, everyone who lives here knows where everything is. And lastly 'cause you don't know how to use your own weapon!" he laughed.

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