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I made my way down the winding staircase until I came face to face with the suit Mr. Fox made for me. My reflection in the glass made it seem like I was actually wearing the suit. And soon enough, I was. It was lightweight, I was able to jump and run like normal. I did a twirl and the capes spun with me. There were two capes, the top was split in two, I held them up like wings. In the utility belt I found smoke bombs and little bird-arangs. My long hair, in a ponytail, fell over my shoulder. It rested right near the red symbol on my chest. It was a swallow, my favorite bird because it's so pretty. The long wings, the two pointed tail. Was I Swallow? "Swallow." I said it out loud, testing it out.

"That's such a stupid name, glad you went with Birdy." Damian spoke beside me. He was in his Robin suit. Suddenly I realized I was on the street, and someone was about to punch me in the face. I dodged quickly allowing Damian to catch the punch and swing the attacker onto the ground, kicking him. "Watch my back."

I looked behind him and realized two other goons were closing in. My instincts kicked in and I was running... towards them. I tripped one guy and jumped off of his falling body and kicked him in the face. I cuffed his legs and jumped on the other guy putting a knee on his chest and the other on his arm and a birdarang to his neck. "We don't know where Catwoman is-- we swear!"

It clicked in my head and my eyes widened. "You know something!" I slammed his head against the concrete. "Tell me everything!" I yelled in his face.

Damian came over to me. "Birdy, he can't tell you anything if he's in a head trauma induced coma."

I looked up at him. "Well what would you suggest, Robin?" I asked him.

Damian grabbed the guys' hand and pulled out a birdarang of his own. "Start with the fingers."

"Okay okay! I'm not gonna let myself get tortured by two kids." He started to sweat as he tried to jerk his hand away.

Damian didn't let go, and I didn't let up. "Tell us what you know." I shook him. A batarang flew out of no where and pierced the guy right in the head. "No!" I yelled and looked up at the rooftops to find my father standing there. He wasn't even in his batsuit. He wore a regular business suit. Lightning crashed behind him. And my mother appeared next to him. I watched with wide eyes as he pushed her off the building.


I sat up in my bed

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I sat up in my bed. My breathing was heavy. I was clammy and my eyes were blurry from tears. I wiped my eyes and I remembered that I was at Gotham Academy in my dorm room. I looked over at my alarm clock and jumped out of bed. I only had five minutes to get ready for class! I ran to the small bathroom connected to my room and started my morning routine as quickly as possible. I brushed my hair while I brushed my teeth, I put on my uniform while I packed my bag. Pro of online school: waking up whenever I wanted to.

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