V Formation

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Jason was recovering quickly, it's only been three days and he already wants to leave but Alfred and I convince him to stay. On the first morning when Alfred drove me to the office and Damian to school I was sure he would leave. When we got back he was there, eating Damian's Poptarts, playing shooter games on Damian's PC, though I could have sworn he closed a tab called 'Love Tester' my eyes could have fooled me. Damian wasn't happy his brother stayed and I had to hold him back from injuring Jason further.

After I had a brief conversation with Jason about not touching Damian's things he shrugged and went to the rec room to play the Xbox.

Today I came home and he was sprawled out on the couch in the living room talking to someone over the phone. Seeing him reminded me of the phone call last week and I passed him to get to the cave entrance and I immediately went to the computer. I looked up the coordinates Alfred set.... Brooklyn, twenty minutes away from here. I checked the security cameras in the vicinity and it was just my luck there was one pointed right at the booth. I was surprised to find a young girl made the call. Maybe she dialed wrong? I fast forwarded to see what she did when she walked across the street into my blind spot, she never came back.

I tried to see if there were any other cameras, but there was only one, giving out a live feed. It took some time to hack it, but when I finally got it I was stunned. Six girls in what looked like a basement, they all looked worn out and sad. I saw the young girl who made the call in a corner, her back to the camera. I kept watching. Why were they there? Who is keeping them there?

My eyes glued to the screen, I waited to see their captors. I waited... And waited until good things finally came to me. A man showed up bringing them assorted food, mostly junk. His face showed clearly on the camera and I was able to screenshot it. I searched data bases using facial recognition and came up with a match.

Frederick Vasper, 'Firearm Freddie' to slum lords. He had a sizable record, just got out of jail five years ago. He's been laying low... With a human trafficking ring?

I went back to the feed, screen shotting the girl's faces. I was only able to get two of the six clearly, and neither was the girl who called me.

Roberta Clemmons, age: eight. Youngest of three children in the Clemmons family. Orphaned at five when her parents died in a fire.

Andrea Castellanos, eleven. Only child. Orphaned before she knew how to walk.

I wasn't surprised, of course they would be abandoned, but how did that one orphan girl get my home phone number? I sat back in my chair, thinking. I heard someone enter the cave and I looked up to see my youngest son walking towards me.

I smiled at him. "How was school?" I asked.

He shrugged. "What are you working on?" he asked me, changing the subject.

I narrowed my eyes but brushed it off for later. "New case." I muttered. He stepped up and looked at the screen.

He narrowed his eyes analyzing all the information I pulled up. "Human Trafficking?"

I nodded.

"So when do we move in?" he took his eyes away from the screen to look at me.

"Tonight if you want." I suggested, "There won't be much action," I gestured to the screen. "Minimum security, maybe three or four more inside men, if that many."

"Just a regular capture, cuff, and call the police? Count me in." Jason appeared in the cave and sauntered his way over to us, smirk on his face.

Damian and I exchanged weary glances. "I don-" I started.

"Aw come on, Bruce, you won't let me go out alone, and I'm wasting away, I need some action, even if it is just a little." He came over and put his hands on my shoulders, leaning over my head and looking at the screen. "At least this way you can keep tabs on me." he walked over to Damian and rested his elbow on the teen's shoulder.

Damian gave me a look that said 'God no' but how could I deny Jason, he has been kept up in the manor for a while. I looked at Jason. "No guns." I said sternly. Jason smiled as Damian's jaw dropped.

Jason raised his right hand. "Scouts' honor."

Damian shrugged out of the older man's touch and scowled at me. "Well if you have him accompanying you, I see no need for my help on this mission." he started to walk away.

"Damian-" I stood and started after him.

"I have homework to do." he muttered and dismissed himself.

I groaned and face palmed.

Jason chuckled. "It must be hard being a dad."


The plan was in place, it took three days to perfect and everybody knows their part. I gave the other girls a look, and we took our places, anticipating. Birdy next to me, by the vent, Andy and Patty close to the door, and Olly and Lucky near the center of the room. This is going to be the most dangerous thing I've done in my life. I bit my lip, waiting for the first part of our plan to fall in place.

When it finally happened I jumped. The bolts on the door clicked and it opened, revealing 'Freddie' we had told him earlier when he brought 'dinner' that it was time for a cleaning. I heard my heart beat in my ears and felt it through out my body. Inside I was screaming and melting, I hoped it didn't show on my face. Birdy placed her small hand on mine. She was quiet.

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