Chapter 4

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Percy's P.O.V

As the prophecy group heads out Chiron wishes them good luck and they enter the camp van and drive off to New York. I watch all this happen from my cabin door. When Chiron sees me he lifts his eyebrow and waves at me. I just give him a short nod and go back into my cabin. I pack some supplies than walk out of the cabin and towards Zeus's fist. It is a rock formation that looks like a fist and to honor Zeus the campers named it after him. If you look really close you can see the delta sign and when you press it you fall into the Labyrinth. Once you are in you can explore the world if you know where you are going and since Thalia and I found the entrance on Olympus we have been exploring the labyrinth for a long time of course with a little help from Hephaestus. 

Once I am in the labyrinth I make my way towards his forge so that he can help me get to Hades realm faster plus I also have a favor to ask him. On the way to the forge, I find something that will help me out, in the corner I see a small metallic spider and I instantly know that it is from him. I pick up the small metallic object and press the reset button that will lead it back to his forge. I place it to the floor and it swarms into the darkness. I follow the spider through endless hallways and turns until we finally arrive at two huge metallic doors. Pushing them open the spider scuttles inside and I follow. I instantly know that I am in his forge with all the hammers, metallic items, and other things lying around the room. The spider goes to a huge guy swinging a hammer at something, as soon as the spider is on his shoulder he stops.

"I thought you were lost you little thing." He tells the spider. At that moment I clear my throat and Hephaestus turns around. When he sees me a smile appears on his face.

"Percy what brings you here?" He asks.

"I need two favors, one a way to Uncle Hades and the other one to make my swords better." I tell him. He nods his head.

"Let's do the one with the swords first. What do you want to change?" He asks. I pull out my two swords and lay them down on the workbench. Hurricane is a sword made from Imperial Gold and Celestic Bronze and Riptide is made from Celestial Bronze and a form of silver that I can't identify.

"I want to put human steel in Hurricane and Stygian Iron in Riptide. I also want a new sword and to make it out of all four metals and the silver that is in Riptide. Maybe you can also find out what kind of silver it is." I tell Hephaestus. I choose Stygian Iron because being blessed by Hades gives you that awesome thing. He nods his head and gets to work. In less than 30 minutes my two the swords were ready and look awesome. Hephaestus then tells me that my special order will be ready when I have completed the quest at hand and that he will have the answer ready for me then too. I thank Hephaestus and then he also gives me a spider and that will lead me to the entrance of the underworld and will land me in front of Hades palace. I thank him then take the spider press the button and follow.


I arrive at a staircase and instantly know that it goes down to the Underworld. I will surely need the spider again so I pick it up and deactivate it, then place it into my bag. I descend down the staircase and can hear the whales of the dead and the moaning. Once I reach the bottom I step outside and am right in front of Hades palace. Hephaestus wasn't kidding I am really close. I knock on the door and hear a faint come in. Once I open the door I see Persephone sitting in her throne looking very board.

"Percy what brings you here?" She asks perking up instantly.

"I came to cash in the favor that Hades owes me." I tell her.

"Wait a second. I will get him." She says and with that she walks off. I stand there for a while and wait. About 5 minutes later I hear two people bickering and instantly know that Demeter and Hades are fighting over having cereal for every meal again. I can't help but smile when I hear that. They enter the room but are still fighting. Demeter looks away and in that moment she sees me.

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