Chapter 14

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Thalia's P.O.V

Once we go through the portal we are amazed at what the other side holds. We have been here before in our dreams but didn't quite pay attention to our surroundings. Right now we are standing in front of a black and white castle that is shining in the sunlight. The town before us is of similar finish. It's mostly white with black roofs and a lot of green forests and mountains all around us. There are even mountains in the distance.

"The first order of business is to reintroduce you to your subjects and fellow court members. You are both 16 years old which means here you are of age and will have to do your royal duties but also be the commanders of my army." Chaos says.

"Wow Chaos don't you think that you should let our children get comfortable first, have a little fun and learn a few thinks before you throw them into the fire." Mom says behind dad and his face turns a really deep shade of red.

"No hunny, I was just telling them what I had planned." Dad says.

"That didn't sound like it dad." Percy says and I laugh at dad's reaction. With that done we enter the castle and mom shows us to our rooms. They are right across from each other and when you open the door they look just like our rooms on Olympus just more grand with a bigger closet, bathroom, and extra add-ons like a game room, armory, training room, and even a connected swimming pool that both our doors access. We are both amazed and slightly terrified at our royal outfits since we already have the ones that we are on Olympus.

When I walk into my closet I find training outfits and armor that are all silver and red on one side and various royal outfits on the other side that are light blue, silver, white and black, 10 different crowns and different accessories. I know that we aren't going to wear all of them but with our royal duty's we have no other choice. I went to check on Percy to see how he is doing and once I enter his room he's also standing in his closet. All his clothes are all black and blue with battle armor and even assassin outfits on one side and the other side has silver, blue, black, and gold royal outfits for suits. There are also different crowns but no jewelry like I have. He doesn't look happy about the crowns but that is nothing new. There is a knock on the door and we go out to see who it is, a messenger stands outside the door probably with a message.

"Chaos request your presence in the throne room. You should also dress in the manner of prince and princess." He tells us, we nod our heads in understanding so with that he leaves and we get dressed. I go to my closet and pick out a simple silver-white dress with silver flats and my Olympus tiara. I walk into the hall only to find Percy already dressed in a silver and black suit with a black cape flowing behind him, black shoes, his two swords on his belt, and his crown on top his messy hair. Ready to go we walk to the throne room not ready for who we are about to see.

Percy's P.O.V

As we enter the throne room we find the Primordial council in front of us. Not just mom and dad but also people like Tartarus, Nyx, Gaia, and a whole bunch of other people. It is a little intimidating when you stand in front of a crowd that isn't exactly more powerful but way more experienced. They scan us up and down trying to see if we are any threat to them but I am scanning them too. It's one of my new cool powers that show me how one's defense and offense is even when they are not in a fighting stance. Most of them are relaxed and only a few ready to pounce should anything happen. I just let out one of my famous smirks and Chaos only smiles.

"These are my long lost kids and your younger siblings." Chaos tells the council.

"Hey Tartarus how is it going?" I ask him.

"Just fine, you know living the life and maybe causing a little trouble." I tell him.

"Percy how do you know Tartarus?" Chaos asks me.

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