Chapter 10

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Percy's P.O.V

When we arrive on Olympus everyone is happy that we saved Artemis and the only thing that is going through my mind is food and sleep but not particularly in that order. Holding up the sky had taken the energy out of me and the only thing that I now want to do is rest, though before I can do that Artemis comes up to me and I can tell she wants to know about Chaos.

"Another time Artemis, right now all I want to do is sleep for a week." I tell her and that is the last thing I say before I stalk into Poseidon's palace, go to my room and crash onto the bed not even bothering to change. The next time I wake up, Thalia is lying in bed with me and I am in my PJ. Dad had probably put my PJ on when he came and checked on me. He does that most of the time since I used to have nightmares and he came into the room when I was screaming my head off. I still have the nightmares on occasion but not as often as I used to have them. I look at the clock and see that it is 1 pm. I shake awake Thalia, it takes a while but I finally got her awake.

"You're up." She tells me letting out a sigh.

"Why are you so relieved?" I ask.

"You were out for 2 days." She tells me.

"Wow, I must have been drained." I say, Thalia shrugs her shoulders and gets up. I do to and walk to the bathroom to take a shower, since I smell like sweat. It takes a while but I am finally freshened up and dressed, when I open the door, the sweet smell of breakfast greets my nose. I follow the scent until I find where it is coming from.

As I enter the kitchen I find Zeus and Poseidon behind the stove making breakfast and only then do I notice how hungry I really am. When dad sees me awake he comes around the counter with an apron on and gives me a big hug. I hug him back, then grab a plate and pack it full with food. Thalia just shakes her head when she sees my plate but does the same with hers. We sit down at the kitchen table and begin to eat. When we are finished dad tells us that we have to return to camp, which we aren't too happy with but find it fair. So we pack our stuff and take the long way to camp by walking out of the Empire State building and taking a cab to the strawberry farm. The taxi driver gives us a weird look but doesn't ask any questions. We pay him then walk to the hill, as soon as we step through the border we are greeted by the sight of campers running around. Taking a few steps, Thalia is tackled by Annabeth who is happy to see us again. Nico and Bianca are standing a few paces behind her. Nico has a smile on his face and I see he wants something from me.

"Thank you for saving my sister by sacrificing one of your favors." He tells me.

"Well someone had to keep watch over her. Even though we don't admit it most of the time but sister, want their little brothers to step in and protect them once in a while." Thalia says kneeling down in front of Nico and putting her hands on his shoulder. I smile at what she has said and smile at the statement. When she stands up again I give her a back hug. She of course tries to get out of it but I don't let her. Nico and Bianca laugh at that. They then tell us that Hades has offered them a place beside him to develop their powers and so Hades can be a father for a little while. The only warning I give them is to stay away from Persephone's garden. Nico nods his head then a shadow envelops the two of them and they vanish.

Shortly after that moment Annabeth thanks us for rescuing her then she leads us to Chiron, who congratulates us on finishing the quest. After that we split up while Annabeth and Thalia stay and talk to Clarisse for some reason I go to the arena to get some practice and sharpen my skills. When I enter the only thing I see is a huge hellhound in the arena. I pull out my two swords and attack but someone steps in front of me.

"Don't kill her." He says.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"I am Quintus, the new swords master. Who are you?" He asks.

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