Chapter 5

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Percy's P.O.V

The train ride to Los Angeles goes by without any trouble which is very surprising. Eric, Luke, and Annabeth are mad at me for some reason but I am fine with that. There is one more stop that we have to make and that is in Denver where we only have a 2 hour stop and since we are hungry we decide to go a dinner and grab a bite to eat. Halfway through our meal a guy riding a motorcycle shows up and parks in front of the Diner. The guy on it is no one other than Ares. Ares and I have a love hate relationship ever since I beat his ass in battle. When he enters everyone is rushing towards him asking if he wants anything. His eyes scan the crowds and land on us.

"Cousin what bring you here?" Ares asks me.

"You know exactly why I'm here." I reply.

"True that." Ares says pushing Luke against the window and taking a seat in our booth.

"So why are you here?" I ask him leaning forward with one hand on my sword.

"I need a favor from you to retrieve my shield from a water park after I left it there when I was on a date with Aphrodite." He says.

"I don't ever want to be involved in your little play with Hephaestus." I tell him.

"Please little cousin in return I will give you some things that will help you ease your journey." Ares says.

"We would be honored Lord Ares." Annabeth says giving me a glare.

"Great. My shield is at Waterland Park and I expect you back an hour." Ares says and with that, he leaves.

"Why did you agree?" I ask Annabeth.

"Because it's not wise to anger a war god let alone an Olympian god." She says.

"He is an arrogant prick and I don't like him. Yes, we're cousins but we have many fights so I'm used to it. We better get that shield since someone said yes." I say giving a glare to Annabeth and stand up going towards the doors with the rest following me. Once outside we head in the direction where Waterland is. When we arrive it, of course, is a closed down park. Since breaking the chains isn't an option we climb over the fence and go over to the ride of love where Ares most likely lost the shield. Not only do we find the shield but also find Aphrodite's scarf. I'm about to go down but Eric says that he will do it. I let him do it and Annabeth joins him. Once they get down there they lift up the shield and scarf but also make some mechanical trap come to live. I should have known that Hephaestus was behind this and that Ares just doesn't want to be caught. There are spiders crawling out of the sides and running towards the love ride boat, then a camera appears and I know that it is broadcasting live to Olympus. I knew this is a water ride so there must still be a control switch somewhere to make the spiders stop coming since Annabeth is already having a panic attack. I run towards the main control booth and find the switch to turn the water on but when I try to push it up it won't move. I call for Luke to come and help me but it still doesn't budge an inch. I get an idea that should have been used in the beginning that you can just pull the water out but I want Eric to do it so that he will get some experience in controlling the water. I run out of the booth and back towards Eric and Annabeth who is trying to get away from the spiders.

"Eric use your water powers to summon the water that lies in the pipes the switch won't move." I yell at him.

"Why don't you do it?" He asks.

"We can only do it together." I answer. With that, I see the look of concentration in his eyes and soon I hear the sound of rumbling then water comes flying out. It floods the area and flushes away the spiders but also the boat and it goes onto a bumpy ride all thru the tunnel, Luke and I can both hear Annabeth screaming at the top of her lungs. We both look at each other and smirk knowing we'll tease her about it later but right now we both sprint to the exit of the tunnel. Only then do we see that the metal gate is closed and we won't get it open soon enough so we just have to hope that they come up with a plan and they did. Annabeth uses the perfect method to make her and Eric fly over the gate and land in the pool on the bottom. When they exit she throws the shield and scarf to me and tells us that she will never do that again and with that, she stomps off back to the Diner. When we got back Ares is already waiting outside and a backpack is standing beside him. I throw him his shield which he easily catches and puts the scarf on his bike.

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