Chapter 9

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Apollo stands there smiling at us then looking at his sister.

"What do you need?" Apollo asks.

"My Hunters and a few campers need a ride back to camp half blood." Artemis says.

"If that's all you want me to do then no prob sis." Apollo response.

"And don't even think about flirting with my hunters." Artemis says.

"Don't worry about it Artemis. I will make sure he won't do anything inappropriate or stupid that might get him killed." I tell her.

"Come on Percy you are no fun." Apollo says. I only gave him a smug smile before indicating to him that it is still no school bus but his red Lamborghini. With that Apollo presses his car keys and the car changes into an old school bus. With that the hunters all board the bus and give Apollo a mad look. Then the campers enter with a down looking Eric with Thalia and I taking us the rear. The hunters take the back of the bus while I sit in the front and the rest in the middle. Since Apollo is debating who will drive so I close my eyes to get some rest that I badly need. I am back at Chaos palace looking around I find that I am in a training room and Chaos is standing by the window overlooking his planet. He turns around and smiles at me.

"You are here to learn about your powers and to learn more about sword fighting with different techniques then just the Greek and Roman style." Chaos tells me and without warning he takes out a sword that looks wicked and begins to attack me. I pull my new sword Aurorae and Riptide from their holders and block that attack just in time. Chaos attacks are hard and consistent and I have to push hard to go on offence. I can instantly tell that he is using sword techniques that I have never seen before and start to copy them incorporating them into my fighting style. After who knows how long of blocking, hacking, dodging, weaving, and slashing we finally get evenly matched and that is when Chaos starts using his powers incorporating them with his sword strikes. I already know that I can control all the Elements, stop time but only for a short amount of time and the rest I haven't figured out yet. 

During the fight Chaos has summoned a beam of black energy and fires it at me. I pull out some water but I know it isn't going to stop the black beam so I try to freeze the water and turn it into ice. The black beam freezes instantly and shatters. After that we practice a bit more and I find out that I can control mist and shadow travel, melt into shadows so I can hide myself, summon flames and light my swords up with shadow fire which are blue flames, and get more in touch with my water powers and even get some control of the sky like flying and lightning. The best though is that I can shape shift and change my appearance. At the end Chaos is very proud of me. At the end of the practice when I am lying on the floor feeling very dead, Chaos has one more surprise for me. He pulls out a box and gives it to me, I take it from him and open it and inside lie 2 black phones with a case that has swirling stars like the galaxy.

"This phone can transport you here whenever you want to come, has unlimited amount of space, demigod prove, any apps that you want are free and one more feature which is looked now but when the times come I will tell you later." Chaos says. I don't say anything and just stare at the phones. Before I can thank Chaos I am jerked awake and find myself on the bus about to crash into a building. I look to who is driving and find out that it is Eric. I quickly push the phones into my back pocket run up to the front pull Eric form the wheel and get the bus under control. We just barely avoid the building and are now rushing towards camp half-blood where we will be coming in hot. I push on the brakes so hard that things came flying forward. With leaving a burned grass trail we finally land and everyone rushes out of the bus happy to be back on solid ground some even empty the contents of their stomachs on the grass. I glare at Apollo who gives me an innocent smile, then also steps outside. In that moment Apollo gets a mind link from his sister and he falls down crying out in pain. I rush towards him but as soon as it had begun it was over.

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