Chapter 7

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Picture above is of Percy's Tattoo

Annabeth's P.O.V

Even though we will be breaking the camps rules Percy and I will still go on this quest. Not only to save Grover a friend who helped me out a long time ago but also to make Percy's sister come back to live and to make Percy be his normal self again. Losing your only siblings is hard and knowing that you can save them but have no idea how must be unbearable for him. I had decided a long time ago to help out Percy in completing the task of freeing Thalia.

So here we are at 7 am hiding behind a bush waiting for Clarisse and Mark to embark on the journey. We are the only ones that know where Grover is held but we guess that Clarisse will also soon find out where she needs to go. The only person that is seeing them of is Dionysus and Percy told me that he doesn't care what we do. I know that Percy had spied on Clarisse when she went to visit the Oracle and that he heard the prophecy but he won't tell me about that and I won't bug him about it either. Percy taps me on the shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts and I notice that they are leaving. We follow them but since they are in the camp van it is hard. The only thing I know is that they are heading for the city.

Percy's P.O.V

I know that they are heading towards the harbour since the first line of the quest mentions something about a metal ship. Annabeth is still clueless and just follows my lead. The quickest way to get to the harbour is to cut through fields and forests and that is what we do. When we arrive at the harbour the quest member don't seem to find a boat so Clarisse bends her neck back and that meant she is praying to her father. A few moments later out of nowhere appears this World War 2 ship that is called the CSS Birmingham. Clarisse and Mark board the ship that sets out right away leaving a trail of smoke in its wake. It is out of sight and we are wondering how we can catch up.

I have an idea and walk off towards the beach that isn't far away from here. Annabeth follows me being confused as to why I am walking towards the beach. I stick my hand in the water and ask dad for a ride. Seconds later two Hippocampi appear they are overgrown seahorses that glitter in all kinds of different colours. Annabeth and I get on our Hippocampi and ride after the ship. When it is getting late when we come across this huge cruise ship called the Princess Andromeda. Since it is already late and we need some rest we climb aboard to find a cabin and sleep. The Hippocampi waves with their tails and soon vanish diving back into the sea and heading back to dads palace. Annabeth and I walk through the cruise ship until we find two empty rooms and go inside to get some sleep. I say goodnight to Annabeth then go into my room. As soon as I hit the pillow I fall asleep.

I dream of Grover again and how he is entertaining the Cyclops and delaying his death.

"We are coming for you Grover; just hold on a little longer." I tell him. He smiles when I say that and am happy about it. Polyphemus is in the background complaining that he is hungry. I let out a laugh at his choice of outfit but then feel myself waking up. I sense someone outside my room and wake up realizing that it isn't Annabeth. The door flies open to reveal monsters. I'm not fast enough to pull out my swords before they grab me and drag me out of the room and towards the front of the ship. Annabeth is there too, she looks off into the distance which means that she is calculating as to whom this ship belongs too. The door to the captain's quarters is thrown open and we are thrown inside. They don't enter and close the door but I know that they are standing right in front so any means of escape that way are useless.

"Well now if it isn't Annabeth and Percy." Says a voice that we know all too well.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I run this ship and helping Kronos overthrow Olympus by being his host." He says.

"How could you Luke, leaving your family and friends like that you promised that we would be together always." Annabeth yells at him, tears falling down her face.

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