Chapter 13

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Thalia's P.O.V

On our way to Manhattan from the Yellowstone we find no monsters that seemed to want to hunt us though when we arrive it all made sense. Every monster is walking towards the battle that is coming to decide the end of all. We slip past them and into the New York area, we stand in front of a wall of power and it's a force field that will keep all the mortals out of Manhattan. Passing though the wall was easy finding Percy and the gang easier. He is doing a speech right now and sorting the camp houses into section to protect various bridges and tunnels. He is short one and that's when we decided to come in.

"We will cover the Lincoln Tunnel." I say and he smiles when he sees me. Everyone then goes off to their designated spots to meet the monster army. I go over to Percy and gave him a hug which he gladly returns. I see him looking at Zoe and smile at her blushing a little. These two are clearly in love with one another but they don't want to admit it, even Lady Artemis knows and she is fine if those two ever hook up. She has known Percy for a long time and says that he is the only decent man that has ever existed and that he respects woman and girls. I gather up the girls and we make our way to the Lincoln Tunnel while Percy, Eric and Annabeth make their way to the rivers and activating statues on the way there which Percy explained to me in detail when Annabeth ran off to activate a statue and give in orders. I was slightly confused at first.

Percy's P.O.V

I'm so glad to see Thalia and the hunters again and that they are here to help. On our way there we stop by every statue in Manhattan and activated Plan 23 and told them to protect Manhattan. With that we drive on till we reach the Hudson and East river sections. We tell Annabeth to wait for us and with that Eric and I dive into the dirty rivers which give me goose bumps. It doesn't take long for the spirits of the rivers to show up. They looked curious as to why two sons of Poseidon are in their rivers waiting to talk to them.

"What have you come here for?" Hudson asks us.

"We have come to ask you to stop the boats." Eric tells them.

"Why should we do that?" East asks.

"I will tell our father that you helped us out and I will give you this." I tell them and pull out a sand dollar that I had gotten for my 15th Birthday. The spirits eyes light up and they both come at me wanting the sand dollar for their side. I stop them and instead brake it in half and instantly freshwater seeps out cleaning the two rivers and the spirits love it and instantly agree to help. With our task done Eric and I swim back up to the shore where Annabeth is waiting with a not so good look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Eric asks.

"Michael and the Apollo campers need help." She says.

"Then you and Eric go and help them I'm going to go around and help other campers." I tell them and with that we split up. While Eric and Annabeth go to the Williamsburg Bridge I go to the other tunnels and bridges to help out. On my way there I see countless statues fighting monsters and killing them. It looks really ironic and weird at the same time. I am almost to the Brooklyn Bridge when my phone rings and it's a frantic Annabeth on the other side.

"We need your help Percy, the Williamsburg Bridge has the heaviest amount of monsters and Kronos is here." She yells and I instantly mist travel to where they are. When I arrive I see the mess that is going on. The Apollo campers are losing badly and Annabeth has called them back to a school bus that is lying on its side. Eric is fighting of the monsters all by himself, when I see a monster sneaking up to him I summon my bow and let an fly straight through the monsters eye, it instantly disintegrates.

In that moment the monsters part and forth comes Kronos riding on a horse. He smiles when he sees me and it's not a good smile.

"Well if it isn't the infamous Percy Jackson." He says but he can get any further Eric interrupts him by saying something everyone already knows.

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