Chapter 2

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Percy's P.O.V

The way to camp isn't long and I really don't want to go. Sure we will meet new people but the thought of being away from the place I grew up is going to be hard. Right now we are driving in a Delphi Strawberry Van that is being driven by Argus a one hundred eye dude that never talks and Chiron who is telling us all about camp, with all the fun activities and other things. Thalia is listening while I just tune him out and have my own thoughts. We drive out of New York and towards a secluded part on long Island where the camp is. Once we arrive Chiron ushers us towards the camp which is protected by a barrier to keep out the monsters that hunt us demigods. The barrier is protected by a large pine tree. Zeus put it their when one of his kids back in the 80's was killed. He turned her into a tree to protect other camper's form being killed. Once we enter the camp there are a lot of kids and teens running around doing various activities. Chiron then gives us a tour of the place and the things are pretty awesome. Amongst the activities is; lava climbing wall, a canoe area, stables with pegasis for flying, swimming lessons, and the sword fighting arena with various weapons. We look around the arena and found various weapons that look to be in bad shape thankfully we have our own weapons so we won't need to use theirs. We then continue the tour and find they have an amphitheater, a dining area that is outside, and lastly we see the big blue house where the two people from yesterday are waiting for us.

"Annabeth, Luke meet Percy and Thalia they are staying here for a few years." Chiron tells them.

"I know we have already met but I am Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena and head of the Athena cabin." Annabeth introduces herself.

"I am Luke Castellan son of Hermes and head of the Hermes Cabin." Luke says.

"Hey." I say, but Thalia punches me in the side with her elbow.

"Fine, I am Perseus Jackson but I prefer Percy son of Poseidon and prince of Olympus." I say.

"I am Thalia Jackson daughter of Zeus and princess of Olympus." She tells them.

"So I am guessing that Jackson was your mother's maiden name then?" Annabeth asks.

"We don't really know a lot about her only that our fathers visited her at the same time and she gave birth to us a few months later. We choose the last name because people kept asking if we have last names since we are demigods so we choose Jackson." Thalia answers and it's the truth. Our fathers never talked about our mother and we respect that. After that they leave to do who knows what and we talk to Chiron about our sleeping situation. He already seems to know that we want to sleep together so he leads us to a cabin that I never expected to be allowed to sleep in or to see the person standing outside the door. It was Hera, queen of Olympus and actually a nice person and she somehow wasn't mad at Zeus for having a child that with another woman.

"Percy, Thalia I am allowing you two to stay in my cabin for the duration of your visit. I would very much love for you to stay me my cabin." Hera tells us.

"We would love to stay in your cabin Hera it would be our pleasure." Thalia tells Hera. She smiles at us and steps aside so we can have a look inside.

"It is huge it has been modified and upgraded from its previous form to suit our taste. It is still a small cabin on the outside but inside it is a two story mansion. Why don't you two go exploring." Hera tells us and soon as she says it both Thalia and I are running around.

There is a living room with a couch and the latest play station, x-box, Wii and other things along with thousands of games, a small kitchen with a fridge that will never go empty if we ever want a snack between the meals, a training room with every weapon imaginable and dummies to hack at plus an archery range, and a bathroom. If you go up the spiral staircase that is in the middle of the foyer it takes you up to the two bedrooms and they look exactly like our personality which is awesome. Thalia's room is the sky the sun shining down on the green meadow floor but it will change throughout the day going from dawn till dusk and the night sky. The clouds are moving and sometimes you can see a bird or a plane passing bye. Her bed looks like it is made out of clouds and believe me it is, she has a wall of books on the left side of her room while on the right side there are two doors one leading to her closet and the other to the bathroom. She also has a TV, couch and a few other things in her room. My room is like the underground of the sea, clear ocean blue walls with coral as well as fish swimming around, the floor a beach sand carpet. The bed is a water bed which I love, on my left wall there stand 2 tall book shelf's and beside them is an area full of couches, pillows and other comfy stuff for an awesome reading corner, on the other side there are also two doors that lead me to my closet and bathroom on the right end and a TV that is huge again with every kind of trinkets imaginable. We then go and explore the basement where we find a huge pool just sitting there ready to be used and a bar for refreshments among other stuff plus the coolest sound systems ever. As soon as we are done exploring we run back to the foyer where Chiron and Hera were talking. We tackle Hera and say thanks so many times but we also knew that all the other Olympians are involved in the making of it since everyone put some of their personality in it and will thank them later.

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