Chapter 17

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Percy's P.O.V

On my way to the Roman camp, I stumble upon the hunters and am happy to see them all, but I am most excited to see Zoe again. Even though it was only two weeks since I saw her last it feels like an eternity. Before I can get close to them though they start shooting arrows at me since I have my face covered by my hood and only after I take it off do the older hunters stop shooting. Of course that doesn't stop the new recruits but they quickly lower their bows with a command from Zoe. I smile when I see her and walk up to her, giving her a hug, and she gives me a kiss on the cheek but I turn it into a kiss on the lips. Before it turns into a full blown make-out session we are interrupted by someone clearing their throat and as I turn around I find Artemis standing behind me. I give her a smile, but she only shakes her head.

"What brings you to us Percy, and where is Thalia I have been expecting her?" She asks choosing to ignore the kiss which I am thankful for.

"Thalia is on Olympus with dad still debating on why she should teach Jason some of his power. Also would you believe me if I said that I just stumbled upon your camp on my way to the Romans?" I question her.

"It would be a convincing answer if one of my hunters wasn't your girlfriend and deeply in love with you." She says and I just sigh giving up in defeat instead I pull Zoe in front of me and give her a back hug. The younger hunters can't believe their ears at what they are hearing but choose to say quiet. Artemis has to yell at them to get back to doing their chores while Phoebe, Zoe, Artemis and I head into Artemis tent to talk about what's next.

Artemis already knows that I am here on the orders of Zeus, since he ask me to do it so she was tasked with bringing me to the Roman camp which also means that she has to be her roman counterpart who she hates.

"You don't have to escort me to camp, I can find it on my own and I'm sure that Zeus or Jupiter has already told Lupa about me coming and filling the position for Jason until his return." I tell Artemis who goes deep into thought.

"What if my father forgot to tell the Romans?" She asks.

"Then I will call Juno to verify my standings and other nonsense that the Romans do, and if I have to fight to prove my worth then I will." I tell her and she nods her head.

"What if someone sees your tattoo and discover that you are Chaos's son?" Zoe pipes in still attached to my side.

"I will cover both the birthmark and tattoo with a strong mist so they can't see it." I tell

her giving her a peck on the nose.

"So you have everything covered in terms of protecting the secret of the Greeks." Zoe says and I nod my head and we begin to discuss further details. Since it was getting late I decide to stay with the hunters for the night then head out in the morning. Zoe of course sneaks me into her tent so that I can get freshened up and changed. At first I want to pitch my own tent but refused saying that she missed the person lying next to her when she sleeps. So I relent and tell her that I'll stay with her. Once I am freshened up we join the hunters around the fire for some stories and other fun things, the whole time I am sitting beside Zoe and we are just enjoying each other's company. As it got late the both of us head into Zoe's tent and snuggle up on her cot. I hold her in my arms and with the comfort both of us fall into a deep sleep with no demigod dreams hounding out subconscious.

I had already told Zoe that I'm going to leave before sunrise which she protested against but I had to make it to camp before Eric arrived, which she understood. So in the early morning hours I wake up and quietly get ready. I summon a plate of Zoe's favorite breakfast, leave her a note and kiss her forehead before sneaking out of camp. Once I was sure that I was a good distance away I speed up my pace and run the rest of the way to Camp Jupiter which surprisingly didn't take me very long to reach. I found that the entrance is located at a wall where a door is and two demigods are guarding it 24/7 since camp Jupiter doesn't have a force field like the Greeks have. As I approach the two demigods point there weapons at me and demand that I state my business. I tell that I am on an order from Jupiter to deliver a message to predator Reyna of the Roman legionaries. At first they are very skeptical but after a little while they let me through and I went in. I made sure to not touch the little Tiber since it washes away any curse bestowed to a person. On the other side I begin my walk to that senate building where  council was being held.

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