Chapter 6

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Percy's P.O.V (2 months later)

It has been several months since we have returned Zeus master bolt and during that time we are gearing up for the fight to come. Mostly patrolling the camp borders and other things. I have been trying to find the golden fleece like the voice told me to resurrect Thalia and revieve her from the tree to a human. I have done a lot of research on it and found the location of the fleece but I have been busy on Olympus with many meetings to get the war defense going. Also dad and Zeus have been doing mostly everything in their power to keep my mind off the subject of going after the fleece since it's with a dangerous cyclops and they don't want me to risk my life only to be disappointed when nothing happens since they both doubt the claim it can heal anything.

Right now I am sitting in the dining hall eating a snack and talking to a satyr named Grover that I met while on a walk through the camp forests. He is clumsy and ran into a tree. I helped him out and we have been best friends ever since. The conch horn blares into action signaling an attack on camp and the barrier of the camp begins to shutter, shortly after a big bang is heard coming from it. Everyone drops what they are doing and runs towards the camp border armed and trying to see what is making all that noise. Then after the 3rd shutter, the barrier shatters and in come two mechanical bulls. Clarisse takes on one bull while I take the other. It is hard to defeat the bulls but we finally do it by throwing Greek bombs into their open mouths and the bulls explode in an instance. I run to the barrier to find that Thalia's tree and the other tree have been poisoned by some sort of green poison that was smeared all over the trees. Just then Zeus and Poseidon flash in and everyone bows except for me.

"Dad, Uncle what are you doing here?" I ask them.

"We heard the commotion at camp and wanted to find out what it was." Zeus says.

"Someone poisoned both trees keeping this camp save and 2 mechanical bulls got into camp and attacked." I tell them. When Zeus hears that he runs up to the tree to see for himself. He touches both trees knowing the lives that are kept in them. After a while, he returns with a lowered head and mumbling something to himself.

"Chiron how did this happen?" He asks him.

"I don't know Lord Zeus." He says and I know that he won't like that answer and that something is going to go bad.

"That answer isn't good enough and until further notice you are band from your position as camp director." Zeus says. I am startled by his decision but I have no power in changing his mind.

"Lord Zeus. Who will then run the camp and organize everything?" He asks Uncle.

"Dionysus who is here as a punishment for a crime he committed last night and Tantalus." He says.

"Uncle you can't put a prisoner from the field of punishment in charge." I say trying to reason with him.

"With Dionysus I'm sure everything will be fine." Zeus says and with that flashes out.

"Dad can't you talk to him?" I ask Poseidon turning to him.

"Sorry son but I can't change his mind this time. He is hurt about Thalia slowly dying and also his other child." Dad tells me.

"I will find something that will save her dad." I tell him.

"I hope your right." He says and with that he also flashes out. I walk over to Chiron who looks sad and give him a smile.

"Thanks for trying to save me but there is no changing Zeus mind Percy." Chiron says and with that walks off. I head off to try and find Grover but after looking for him in the whole camp and even asking a few people I can't find him anywhere. I then go to the Athena cabin to get Annabeth who has been helping me with some research. When I knock on the door Malcolm one of Annabeth's siblings opens the door.

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