Chapter 12

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Percy's P.O.V

It was finally a little piece and quiet from all the quests that I have been on. Right now I am walking with Rachel and Thalia along the street of New York and Rachel is showing us the sights. In the past 3 months a lot has happened. Thalia being the lieutenant of the hunters hasn't been at camp a lot and is always out with them but I'm happy for her, I have turned 15 by now and I'm turning 16 soon. Thalia would have her birthday too but since he is half immortal she stopped ageing for now. The camp has grown in campers with many new ones coming in, Chaos has been teaching me while I am sleeping it has improved my powers and swordsmanship a lot and it makes me happy. 

Since a few months ago Zoe returned from Etnotopia and has rejoined the hunters to help out a bit, Zoe and I have been getting closer and by now all the hunters know that we are kind of together and surprisingly Artemis is okay with it. We even went on a few dates every now and then. Chiron has become like a third father to me and Poseidon and I hang out every weekend in his palace where I met a cyclops named Tyson and we became best buddies, and Triton and I get along great kind of like brothers but not close enough. Walking along the shore line of New York is great except when a shadow swoops over you and it turns out to be a black Pegasus that answers to the name of Blackjack and has taking a liking to me on him is Beckendorf. I instantly know what time it is and let out a sigh.

"Guess it's that time?" I ask Charles who only nods his head. I turn around and Thalia hugs me whispering in my ear that I should be careful. Rachel gives me a kiss on the cheek in good luck, than I go up to Charles swing myself onto Blackjack and off we are. For weeks we have been practicing for the moment that the Andromeda, Luke's huge cruise ship will show up and that we will blow it up with Greek fire, we have been practicing on abandoned ships but nothing compares to the real deal. We fly in silence towards the boat and there it is the huge monster carrying vessel.

Keeping to the shadows and me helping out with covering us with one of my now powers being that I can suppress a demigods sent to that of a mortal standard we fly to the lowest deck. Getting off from Blackjack we grab the bags which are filled with Greek fire. We slowly and quietly creep to the engine room careful not to run into any monsters that might be lurking around. Making it there without anyone to spot us we get inside where there is only one telekinesis. Before he can even scream my sword Aurorae goes through him like butter and he is dead in minutes. We plant a few bombs till I hear the voices of other monsters coming with my enhanced hearing.

"I will go distract the monsters, you finish up here." I tell Charles.

"Just be careful Percy." He says.

"I'm always careful, but you be careful too." I tell him half laughing and leave the engine room. Already on the second flight of stairs I run into two monsters who seem surprised at first. I pull out my sword and kill one of them leaving the other one alive so he could raise the alarm and lead the monsters away from the engine room. I keep running until I encounter a huge crab that's in my way in the middle of the shopping portion of the ship. Sitting in a huge fountain until it notices me is a giant crab. 

I know that there is only one way to kill it though it will take a huge amount of courage. I concentrate on the fountain until it explodes and showers the whole floor in a layer of water. I take a running start and slid baseball stile under the crab until I found the week spot then driving Riptide in the cinch of its armor it disintegrated into golden dust instantly only leaving the shell behind. I knew this trick because even though I don't listen to what Ares teaches us about monsters I usually listen to some of the interesting parts of it. Not having enough time to retrieve my fallen sword I keep running till a pair of Empousa's are in my way.

I jump from one story to the next catapulting myself of the banister and having my sword by my side I cut of the head of one and stab the others through the heart. Again I keep running but I wasn't fast enough and am soon capture by a pair of adult Telkhine. They then lead me outside onto the pool deck where Luke is standing and he doesn't look friendly well he has never been fond of me to begin with.

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