Chapter 16

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Percy's P.O.V

I head back to Olympus to report the crucial info that Boreas gave me on Aeolus. As usual the throne room is in an uproar and the gods are all arguing about something non important. Some gods say that they should open Olympus while the other half disagrees. Then there are some who don't care and just sit in their thrones waiting for the discussion to end. I find it funny how they are fighting again even though I told them to stop doing so.

"Why are you always fighting when I come to here. It's the same thing every single time." I tell them and let out an annoyed huff. Zeus chooses to ignore that sentence and jumps right to business.

"So Percy did you complete your mission so far?" He asks.

"Yes, I helped them along on their path and they should now be heading towards Chicago but with Aeolus mad at you and taking it out on the demigods who knows how the wind conditions are with the dragon beast they are flying." I tell them and Zeus goes into deep thinking at the mention of Aeolus. Meanwhile Hephaestus perks up at the mention of the dragon and I know something is up.

With the meeting seemingly dismissed all the gods exit the throne room except for a few and I follow Hephaestus to the park of remembered demigods and see him stop in front of a grave. I instantly know whose grave it is. It is Charlie's grave and I stand quietly beside him not wanting to intrude.

"That dragon you talked about, it was Charlie who started making it with my help it was our father and son project but we never got it finished. I wonder though how Leo found bunker 9 when we hid it so well." He tells me.

"I think Beckendorf would be proud to see it finally fly in the skies." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"You always know what to say Percy and thank you for cheering me up. Now you should head back to help out the quest members I believe they ran into some troubles and are about to crash land in Detroit." Hephaestus tells me and I give him a short bow before teleporting to Detroit where I see the dragon falling out of the sky's with three people holding on and a son for Zeus trying and failing miserably to control the winds.

I try to soften their landing but it's too late and they crash into a warehouse that is thankfully unused. Since I don't know the layout of the place I don't want to risk teleporting inside, then being spotted so the only other option is that it the old fashion way and sneak in through one of the windows on the upper levels. To get there though I do a little parkour and jump roof to roof till I reach a good spot where I can see the inside and outside of the warehouse. I sneak into the window unseen and without a sound. I look around and notice that Leo is outside tinkering on some disk while Jason and Piper are inside talking. I see movement from the corner of my eye and see three Cyclopes entering the building and sneaking up behind the two demigods. Leo is busy with his own problems but before I can do anything he finishes the disk that he has been playing with and rushes back inside to help his friends.

He quickly builds a remote control out of scrap parts and somehow connects it to a crane. Only the weird minds of Hephaestus kids can come up with something like that. I find it funny how much he resembles Charlie just in a tinier version and way more hyper. They crash the Cyclopes with the giant magnet that is attached at the end, but as they celebrate their victory I see the monsters starting to reform and know something is up with the gates of death, Thanatos, and I know my next visit was going to be to Uncle Hades. For now I use the winds to keep the monsters from reforming and watch the quest members move on with the now unfrozen control disk. As they rise into the sky, I teleport myself to Uncle Hades. Arriving at the front gates I am come face to face with Alecto who instantly goes to inform Hades of my arrival. The only one in the throne room right now is Demeter who is eating a bowl of cereals and without a word she makes one magically form in front of me and I catch it before it hits the ground.

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