Chapter 19

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Percy's P.O.V

I teleport us to our rooms so that we can at least freshen up a bit, before we attend the meeting. I take a 5 minute shower before I flash on some more formal clothes. I meet Thalia in the hall then we teleport to the council chamber and when we show up in the first thing we see is absolute chaos, no pun intended.

"Everyone shut up!" I yell and they all aside from Tartarus and Chaos instantly go deathly quiet.

"What's the problem?" Thalia asks as everyone quiets down.

"I have just told your brothers and sisters that Gaea has lost her mind and is threatening to attack the people of earth and destroy the lineage of the gods." Chaos says.

"This is the reason you called us here, because you can't control your children?" I ask and Chaos just nods his head. Thalia and I let out a groan at that.

"You should believe dad, what he says is absolutely and undeniably true." I say.

"It can't be true, she would never do that." Aether protests.

"But she is doing it and now we have to fix the mess that she is creating." Thalia says.

"Is there anything else that requires our help?" I ask and dad just shakes his head.

"Then we are going to leave, we are busy babysitting the quest members to make sure that they don't kill anyone important, Now if you'll excuse us we will be taking our leave." Thalia says and teleports to the ship, with a quick wave and goodbye I teleport away too. We land on the deck and see no one around, so both of us head below deck and find the whole gang in the dining area talking about some map that they have to find in Charleston and Jason says they should head to fort Sumter a place called the battery. Everyone agrees so Leo heads to the wheel to steer the ship and I smell a little trap but am too tired to tell them so I just decide to sleep and crash in what presumably is Thalia and my room.

The next morning just before we head to Fort Sumter, Jason tells us that Reyna might be there since he had a dream about the Roman legionnaires trying to hunt down the quest. I find it a little funny that even though they are in a little danger Jason is still insisting that they visit the place that is overrun by Roman demigods. When all I set we head there and after a short distance the fort come into few. I can already tell that the Romans have set up camp there and as we enter Fort Sumter where we see Reyna talking to someone in the courtyard. We quietly inch further and since it's just Jason and I because we told the others to stay on the ship we actually managed to come a few ways. We can now see that she is talking to a ghost but we can't understand what they are saying, even I can't with my enhanced hearing. When she is done talking the ghost disappears and Jason chooses that moment to walk up behind her and demands to know what the ghost has told her. Before I can stop him there is a squadron of legionnaire surrounding Jason, they must be Reyna's person guard. I come out with my hands up telling them that we don't want any trouble and only want to talk to Reyna in peace. Of course I say all this in perfect Latin while also showing them my SPQR tattoo. Once they see that I am one of them they lower their weapons and step back. I then ask Reyna in a nice way about the information the ghost gave her. She answers us politely that she can't give the information but gives a warning instead about us being hunted by Roman Eagles. I thank her for the info and before anything else can happen I grab the map out of her hands, then I grab Jason, bid goodbye to Reyna and teleport us back to the Argo2.

Once we are on board I tell Leo to put it into high speed since we have Roman Eagles following us. He instantly runs to the control panels and the ship lurches forwards with incredible speed that makes everyone stumble back a little. Leo then also deploys a few bags of dirty laundry to get the eagles of our trail. Everyone goes their separate ways and await the arrival in Charleston. I stay up on deck and watch the skies for any sign of Roman Eagles with my bow casually resting in my hand. Thalia also stays up and walks up to me.

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