Chapter 21

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Percy's P.O.V

As we make our way towards the original Olympus one thing is clear and that is, that things aren't going to get easy. Almost every night I wake up drenched in sweat because of my dream of Tartarus. They aren't as bad as the nightmares that Eric and Annabeth are suffering from though. But they are still gruesome; the nightmares are mostly from the demon that was inside of me. I haven't told Thalia yet but I have a strange suspicion that she already knows but is waiting for me to say something. Right now I am leaning on the railing of the Argo II watching Jason, Piper, and Annabeth infiltrate Odysseus Palace. At first I wanted to go but the thought of being around evil spirits quickly changed my mind. So the three members disguised by Hazels power over the mist left to do whatever they needed to get done. I don't know why they didn't ask Thalia or I with the mist help, so instead we had made a bet after they left. I bet that on the slim chance of them winning that I would clean her room at home and she said that if the plan failed I would have to help them. I hated the bet but here I am standing on the railing and watching them. I really hoped that they would succeed since Thalia's room really needs to be cleaned and you can't call her a tidy person.

After a few minutes of quite all hell breaks loose in the palace and I inwardly groan and Thalia has a grin on her face. Giving her a glare I teleport to the front door and don't even bother knocking and just use my foot to catapult the door inward. It somehow manages to hit a few spirits and they instantly flee. When I survey the room there is hell going on. Jason has been stabbed again, Piper trying to help him and Annabeth is holding of the spirits. I really don't know how Jason got to be Praetor of New Rome since he keeps getting hurt on this quest. Shaking my head I join the fight and slash through spirit after spirit. I am beginning to hate them and really want to punish Gaea for this. As I am in the middle of the fight there is a loud crack silencing the room and stopping all the fighting, looking around I see Juno appears telling us very quickly that we have to find the Goddess of Victory and stop her rampage, then Apollo and Artemis who are hiding from Jupiter after making him mad, she then disappears before uncle has any chance to find her. After she leaves, Jason passes out and all hell breaks loose again. I mind link Thalia to tell her we need a quick exit and Frank comes shooting down from the ship in huge eagle form to bring Jason back to the ship and I yell at Piper to go with him at first she wants to help me but after a bit of convincing she finally does. I run over to Annabeth slicing spirits in half on my way there. I then grab her around the waist let out my wings and push off into the sky leaving a creator where I stood before. I then summon a huge fire ball and incinerate the rest of the spirits and also say sorry to Odysseus for destroying his palace.

Once we land on the Argo II, I demand answers from Annabeth who tells me that Gaea has poisoned one of the quest members and the only cure is the Physicians cure that we will never get, also that Apollo no longer has control over Delphi and thus the Oracle is useless and that Nike is running rampant, then Beryl, Jason's mom appeared and broke the spell then all hell broke loose and that's when I came in. The news about one of us being poisoned and Delphi not being in our control is bad, we can handle Victory, but it seems that Jason somehow always manages to screw things up, one way or another. I take a breath and look over to where Thalia is helping Piper tend to a passed out Jason, after they got the bleeding to stop by force feeding his Ambrosia and Nectar they take him into the infirmary. I call for a meeting and tell everyone to meet in the dining room on thirty. Before that I go find Leo who has been working on something that may help us, after looking around for a bit I find him in the engine room. Once I arrive he shows me this new weapon, as I take a closer look I see that they are tiny bees each filled with greek fire. He shows me that they detonate when landing on a monster, only causing harm to them since it's such a small dose of fire. It is a brilliant idea and I tell him that we might also want to use shadow and chaos fire both of which I possess. He instantly smiles at that and gets to the drawing board. Before he can get any deeper into it I tell him that we have a meeting to attend and he groans at the news but joins me in going to the dining room. We join the others minus Jason who are already seated around the table eating some food.

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