Chapter 18

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Percy's P.O.V

I wake up to someone slamming their fist on my door but I ignore it still being tiered from the lack of not sleeping for the past 4 days. I lift my head to see that it is still 6am in the morning and that no one should wake up a person at this hour. I lie back down and the pounding finally stops and I fall back asleep only to wake up a few seconds later by cold water being poured on me. I sit up straight, turning the water to ice on my bed and making it fly all over the room. I sit up and glare at the two people responsible for this not at all surprised when I see Apollo and Hermes stuck on the wall with ice daggers connecting them.

"Next time you try to wake me do it at noon or better yet in the afternoon." I tell them and get up, they quickly flash out of my room before I kill them. I make the ice dagger vanish and head back to bed.

"Ahh Percy glad to see you awake, Zeus has called a meeting." Das says as I was about to get back into bed. I let out a groan and just flash into my clothes and the to the throne room where I arrive just before the meeting is going to start. I sit down in my throne with a sour mood for having to be here at an early hour.

"So Percy, how are you awake at this early hour?" Ares asks knowing full well I wasn't in the mood. I take one of my daggers out of its holster and fling it at him with deadly accuracy making it land right before his manly parts. It instantly shuts him up while the rest of the council tries to suppress their laughter. I sit in my throne and we wait for the rest of the council members to arrive. When Thalia flashes in I give her a smile then go back to dozing until Zeus voice fills the area.

"The Greek guest members are building a ship to fly it to the Roman camp and it will be good way for our two camps to be reunited so that there can finally be peace." Zeus says and before he can say more I interrupt him.

"So you want Thalia and I to make sure that everything goes smoothly?" I ask him to which he nods his head. I let out a sigh and can't believe that we always have to help.

With the meeting dismissed Thalia and I make our way through Olympus to Poseidon's Palace and from there on back to camp. At a slow pace we make our way and towards the doom that lays ahead. On our way Apollo catches up to us and apologizes for the cold water prank that he pulled and I say its fine. Instead of walking the rest of the way I just flash both of us to the veranda of out cabin. We instantly notice the Hephaestus cabin is running around gathering supplies, bringing things from point A to point B, the Hermes cabin carrying things from a truck and loading them onto the ship, and I don't even want to know where they got the stuff from, probably not legally. We walk towards the ship that is seen all the way from the cabin circle. It's being built in a temporary ship yard stationed by the ocean, when Chiron sees us coming he smiles and we give him a nod of greeting. When Annabeth sees us she runs our direction and gives Thalia a bone crushing hug and I give her a nod.

"So Annabeth what's all this?" I ask her.

"It's the Argo II the finest Greek war ship out there and it will lead us together with the Romans towards where Eric is." Annabeth says and I am quite impressed at the speed they're building the war ship but I have a few more plans for this ship other than the normal weapons on there.

"So what can this thing do?" I ask and Leo comes down from the ship at that moment.

"Why don't I show and tell you." He says all excitedly.

"Then lead the way." Thalia says and together we walk on board.

"This ship can not only sail through the sea but it can also fly. It has the latest system in weapons from celestic bronze spears, and Greek fire bombs, to imperial gold cannon balls, and other things. Down below are the bedrooms and food storage which the Hermes cabin has provided even with a few plates and goblets from the dining hall. Then on the very bottom part there is the engine room and stables for the pegasis." He says and I am kind of amazed at the ship. With nothing more to see we step of and go to get some food.

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