Chapter 3

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As I walk into the cabin it feels like there is a hole in the building, the emptiness without my sister being here. Deciding to change since I have been wearing the same outfit for 2 days I step into my closet, I look around and choose some black clothes like usual. I take out a pair of black jeans and a black cargo shirt. On my way out I catch a glimpse of silver. I step closer and smile as I pick up the item it's a chain with a ring that says "together forever" on it from Thalia, she gave it to me on our 3rd birthday saying that I should wear it although I never did. I grab it give it a quick kiss then put it on and hide it under my shirt. The meaning came from a huge fight that we had about something and we didn't talk for a while until it was our birthday. She gave it to me and said that no matter what happens we stick together through thick and thin. She has her ring always around her neck or on her finger and always bugs me that I didn't wear the ring she gave me and I always replied it was to cheesy. Though this time I am wearing it and determine to change that attitude from this day forth.

As I walk to the front door of our cabin, I stop for a few minutes and take a deep breath then I open the door and am greeted by everyone walking to the dining hall and I can tell from the setting of the sun that it is dinner time. So I join the crowds and walk towards the dining pavilion. When Chiron sees me he smiles and came over.

"Percy it's good to see that you are okay, after the unfortunate circumstance." He says.

"I'm alright I figured that staying in my cabin isn't going to help anyone." I say. With that he nods his head and I walk to the Poseidon table and take a seat. I see that the new kid is sitting at the Hermes table so I figure that his godly parent hasn't claimed him yet, but then I remember the thing that Zeus told me before I left and I figured that he would be claimed by tonight.

"We welcome the hunters to camp and as tradition states, there will be a friendly capture the flag game. That will be Campers vs. Hunters." Chiron announces. The crowd starts cheering and dinner is served. After dinner, the teams gather and do strategic thinking. Since it's against the Hunters the whole camp is one team. Annabeth and Clarisse a daughter of Ares are fighting over the position on who will lead the teams. I don't pay attention to them, my attention is on the new kid.

"What's his name?" I ask Luke who is standing next to me.

"That's Eric King. His godly parent hasn't claimed him but since he lived with his mom I would say that it is one of the guys." Luke replies.

"So any guess on whose kid he is?" I ask.

"No clue what so ever. Although he has the eyes of Poseidon it's just that the hair doesn't match." Luke replies

"Your right, hopefully we will find out soon." I say. Luke only mumbles a yes and with that our team runs of into the forest to hide the flag. I don't want to be guarding the flag so I pull out my swords and go to find some hunters but I am actually trailing Eric. Annabeth positioned him by the creek which is also the border to guard and stop any hunter from getting thru.

"Annabeth sent me here to help you guard the creek." I tell him. He sighs in relief.

"Thank gods. I probably would have been killed in the first few seconds of the game." He tells me.

"No prob. She probably just wants to test your skills. She does that with everyone she meets. I got to fight Luke when I first came here." I tell him.

"You had to fight the best swordsmen at camp. How did you survive?" He asks me.

"Easy, you observe your opponents find his weakness then attack." I tell him.

"I'm sorry about your sister. I didn't want her to die by saving me." He says.

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