Chapter 20

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Percy's P.O.V

I know that it was stupid of me to just jump head first into the pit but it was all I could think of in order to close the Doors of Death. Of course I had to endure a lecture from Annabeth about my stupidity but I have other plans than sticking together with them once we land on the bottom. The worst of the fact that I was going down into Tartarus was due to the fact that I had to listen to Annabeth and Eric talk about the last words that she said to him. Finally I see the bottom come into sight and apparently so do the two love birds. Annabeth tells Eric that he needs to control the water to cushion there fall but I know the name of that river and don't feel like reliving all the sorrow and pain in my life. Having no other choice I pull out my sword and stick it into the wall stopping but getting some nasty rock burns on my knees and side. Annabeth and Eric don't fare any better by plunging right into the river of Lamentation as they feel the sorrow and pain from not only themselves but other people. I make the rest of the way down then heave them out of the river. Both of them then realize that they are lying on the shore that is made out of glass shards and that the air of Tartarus is made out of poison. I instantly activate the tattoo that Tartarus gave me so that I can breathe easily in the air of the pit. No one seems to notice that I'm not effected by the air so Annabeth says that in order to heel we have to drink form the river of fire. It doesn't sound pleasing but it does actually work.

We easily find the river as Eric and Annabeth drink from it even I take a little sip as to not raise any suspicion. Out of the corner of my eye I see Arachne appearing but while Eric and Annabeth are still busy drinking to heal I pull out one of my swords and kill her. After they finished drinking it was apparently time to decide where we would head. Annabeth taking the lead which doesn't really surprise me says that the only way to get out of Tartarus was to head to the Doors of Death. I knew that it was going to lead them straight through Nyx palace which I want to head to anyways. We encounter a gang of Empousa's which Eric and Annabeth apparently know since Eric calls one of them Kelly. Eric stands in front of Annabeth to protect her and has his sword out. I just lazily put my hand on my sword since I don't need to actually do anything, Powers work for me but I wasn't going to show that to anyone so soon. She says a few nice sentences then has her head decapitated my a broom being swung around. Once I look up I see that it is Iapetus also known as Bob after Eric dumped him in the river Lethe so now he is a peaceful titan who works as a janitor for Uncle Hades. Eric is happy to see Bob and asks him how he knew that they are down here. After a lot of explaining he tells them and I send a silent thanks up to Uncle Hades for sending someone even though he is a titan. I hear a silent snicker on the other end but avoid answering back. Bob then joins us on our journey through the area of Tartarus showing us the way to the Doors of Death.

Thalia's P.O.V

After I had told mom and dad what had happened and sworn them not to tell the Olympians I teleported my way back onto the Argo 2 who turns out are stuck being attacked by two rock gods called Ourae. When I appear Leo is firing his celestic bronze canons at them not doing anything to the two gods. Once the attack is not a success he retreats from the Apennine Mountains. Once Leo notices me he instantly runs over and so does Hazel and Nico who still looks a little under shook. Hazel explains to me that they have been trying to get to Greece but are stopped by these two rock beings who have been following them. Leo puts in that he wants to wake up the others but everyone instantly shoots him down saying that they haven't been able to sleep properly because of reinforced monster attacks. We throw around ideas until I come up with the idea to cover us in a strong mist so that the two rock gods don't see or feel us. They agree on the plan since they can't come up with anything else or good for the moment. I concentrate really hard since mist doesn't come as easily to me as it does to Percy. I still give it all my best and when the ship lurches forward I cover the whole ship in mist making it seem like a cloud. Sweat forms on my forehead as I give all my powers. I then feel Percy's presence beside me giving me power.

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