Chapter 8

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The picture above is Thalia's tattoo

Percy's P.O.V

I am dreaming nicely when I am woken up by loud banging and yelling coming from my door. Not even bothering to put on a shirt and just walking down in my shorts I walk downstairs to see who it is. I opened the door and find Katie who is banging on the other side.

"What do you want at this ungodly hour?" I ask her.

"Come to the pine tree, there is something you have to see." She says and quickly runs towards the Thalia's tree. Around there are already a few campers looking at something. I quickly grab my black sweater that hung beside the door put it on while running up the hill. I push my way through the crowd and see that Thalia is slowly starting to wake up. I push some campers away and kneel beside her. She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"How long was I out for?" She asks.

"For about a solid 2 months." I reply and when she hears that all the colour drains form her face. I help her up; at first she is a little wobbly on her legs but then regains her balance. Chiron comes and is happy to see that Thalia is good as new. We follow him to the Big house and there we catch her up on what happened. After the meeting Thalia and I decide to visit Olympus and make certain people very happy again. We walk to our cabin and towards my room where we switch the switch and enter the palace of Poseidon. Since I am still in boxer shorts I put on a pair of short black jeans and black sneakers. Before we go to the throne room we stop by Zeus palace so that Thalia can freshen herself up. The good thing is that no one is inside so we can go about unseen. We enter Thalia's room and while she went into the bathroom I sit on the couch watching some TV. After she is done Thalia changes into ripped black jeans, a white tank top that a skull on the front and flip flops. We also get some stuff out of the kitchen and walk towards the throne room with doughnuts in our hands. When we enter the only person that is inside is Hestia and she smiles when she see that Thalia is back again. She kindly summons the Olympians for us and one by one they appeared. We had planned it so that Thalia is hidden and will only come out when I announce something.

"What is it Percy, do you have any news for us?" Zeus asks.

"The boarder is back to full health again and the tree is alive once more." I say.

"That is good to hear. Do you have anything else to report?" Poseidon asks.

"For a matter of fact yes I have. One lost person came back to us." I say and in that moment Thalia comes in view from behind Hestia's place at the hearth. The first person to do anything is Zeus since he jumps out of his throne and tackles Thalia into a hug. Tears sliding down his face and I can tell that they are tears of joy. Next come Poseidon and Hades they also have tears of happiness in their eyes. Even though Hades isn't our dad we still treat him as one and we also visit him in the underworld when he is lonely. Once everyone has hugged and had a small family reunion Thalia and I go walking through Olympus catching up on things. I keep thinking about what Chaos had told me and finally decide to tell Thalia about it. When we reach the Olympus Park we walk to the railing that overlooks New York.

"So Thalia there is something that I have found out." I tell her.

"What is that?" She asks.

"Both you and I know that we are different and have always felt more powerful then everybody and also a little distant." I tell her.

"Yah but what does that have to do with anything?" She asks.

"I found out that our actual father is Chaos, the creator of everything. He gave me a visit in a dream once and explained why he gave us up. He explained that we have more powers that are hidden away. He already unlocked some of mine and gave me this tattoo." I tell her showing her my shoulder taking the mist of the place where the tattoo sits, so that it is exposed. Thalia looks shocked.

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