Chapter 15

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Percy's P.O.V

When we step through the portal and into the Olympus throne room there is yelling all around us. The gods are all screaming at one another not really paying attention to what's going on around them. We decide to just stand around and watch the fight going on. After another few minutes, Zoe pokes me and tells me that I should do something. So since it is clear that they aren't going to shut up on their own I clear my throat and all eyes turn towards me, instantly everyone starts to smile and Poseidon and Zeus come running towards us to give us a hug. After our dads hug us (wow it's weird having three dads), Artemis goes over to Zoe and Thalia greets then. They go back to their thrones and are instantly looking anywhere but towards us, both Thalia and I know that something is wrong. Thalia must have also noticed the strangeness that the gods are showing and decide to nudge me into saying something. I let out a sigh at her attempted to try and persuade me which actually kind of works.

"What's up with you guys?" I ask them.

"Nothing at all why would you ask that?" Hermes tries to answer normally.

"Come one we have known you for a long time, so spit it out." Thalia says.

"Well since you are going to find out anyway when you get to camp I'll just tell you. Since you know the Romans already that saves us a long explanation but anyways we have switched the camp leaders, erased their memories, and send them to the other camp so that they can act as a bridge." Hera says and we look at her like she is crazy.

"Who did you switch?" I ask.

"We switched Eric on the Greek and Jason on the Roman side." Zeus says and I let out a deep breath at which the gods instantly tense and Zoe puts her hand on my back in a comforting way. I know that this was the only choice that the gods can make but it isn't right for them to take all of their memories.

"Fine, Thalia and I will join in any way we can without interfering too much in the plan." I tell them and with that both of us walk out of the throne room and to our rooms to get changed into our camp clothes then head to camp and see what's going on. Thalia had lent Zoe some of her old Hunter's clothes and the three of us are a few minutes later standing in our old cabin ready to see what's going on. As we open the door campers are running around outside yelling orders about a few chariots taking off soon. We run to the chariot track and see Annabeth getting on a chariot.

"Where are you going?" I ask her and when she turns around a smile is plastered on her face.

"How was Etnotopia? You guys were gone for only a year?" Annabeth asks.

"Well you know hanging out with dad and learning new powers can't forget to mention the royal duties do get a little boring. Plus we learned that a new war is coming and decided to help out. What's going on here?" Thalia asks her.

"Eric vanished and I have been trying to find him when I got a lead last night and am now following it." She says.

"We are coming with you then; you need all the help you can get." I tell her and with that a second chariot is strapped onto two Pegasi and we fly off. I kiss Zoe goodbye and tell her to hold down the fort to which she nods her head and tells me to be careful Thalia also comes up to me and says the same thing. I give both of them my signature smirk before I snap the reigns and the Pegasi begin their run before finally taking off.

It takes a while until we reach the Grand Canyon and see trouble there. Some storm spirits are causing trouble but the demigods there are already handling the situation. When I see Hedge with them I let out a groan, he is my least favorite satyr of all, always making sure no one breaks the rules which I do constantly. There is one storm spirit left so I summon some lighting and vanquish it. Just then Hedge spots us and he lets out a string of words that I pretend not to hear, apparently something about being late but you can't blame us we had whether problems. We land on the side of the canyon and Annabeth gets out very quickly and stalks to a guy with blond hair and blue eyes definitely the son of Jupiter. I see that he is only wearing one shoe and hide a laugh with a cough. Then Hedge comes walking over.

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