Chapter 23

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I look around panicked.

Did Jason actually find me?


I look out the little window and see a body walking towards me. I run and hide behind the hay. I hear someone walking up the ladder.

What if it isn't Jason?

I type 911 into my phone but don't push send just yet.

"Relax little Allie it's just me." A voice said.

Jason was the only one who called me little Allie. I turned off my phone and slowly came out of my hiding spot. Jason was standing there, his hair wet, and in a suit and tie.

"How did you find me?" I whisper and sit down on my bed. "And why are you in a suit and tie? And how did you get up here with your injuries?"

He smiles softly. "Well I know you are Samantha and I knew where your barn was because I have been here with bitch 1." He pauses slightly. "And I came from a dinner reception thing for my dad's job and I'm just that cool."

"Who is witch 1?" I ask smiling slightly.

"Jake." He snaps.

"Oh." I say as my smile drops and knowing I shouldn't push him as to why he doesn't like Jake. "Why are you here?"

"Because you are obviously not okay, and I was trying to find a good excuse to get out of the rest of dinner."

"But you don't like me. You first flirted with me, then you lied to the hospital, spread the news that my aunt was in a coma, flirted with me again. Then taunted me, got me to punch you, had Hunter punch me, flirted with me again, got into a car crash, which wasn't your fault. Then made me all happy when you came to the game, then called me a bitch, then left because I forced you to, then made me get lost in the hood because I was running away from you. Then allowed Hunter to fake date me using the favor I owed you not him." I say almost in one breath.

"Allie I-I don't know. I know I have screwed up. I know my actions have been everywhere. I know sorry won't solve everything." He whispers.

We both remain silent. No one says a word.

"I know we aren't exactly on best terms but do you want to go somewhere with me?" He scratches his elbow. How does someone's elbow get itchy?

The first thing that went threw my mind was Hunter. Then if he was asking me on a date. "What about Hunter? Won't he be mad?"

"He won't have to know." Jason smirks.

"As long as you aren't going to rape me I'm in." I smile.

"I promise I won't rape you little Allie." He smiles back.

We climb down the ladder together. Him somehow not using his upper body.


"Jason. Where are we?" I ask.

"What's the date?"

"Uhh November 16. Why?" I ask. It was November 16, 1 more game left until the regular season was over, then it was off to play offs. Yay! It had snowed a little bit but there were just flurries. I couldn't wait for real snow.

"Ready to break a few rules?"

"What are we doing Jase?" I ask again worried.

"There is this ice skating rink around the corner, but it's closed until December 1st. It's cold enough to have use on it though right now."

"Jason I don't think this is such a gr-"

"Too scared?"

"No your injuries-"

"Excuses, excuses. I can do it for you little Allie." He winks at me.

"Fine I'll go."

Start walking down the road in silence.

"Why did Hunter make me 'fake date' him?" I ask. Might as well get information while we are walking.

"I owed him a favor and we both knew Olivia and Alex... Don't like you."

"Why don't they like me?"

"Dude you called out Olivia on your first day."

"I forgot about that." I laugh a little.

"Does Jake know you are Sam?" He asks after a little bit of silence.

"No, his mom knows that I own the barn, but doesn't know I own Leah or that I race. They think I'm at Jessie's right now." I smile a little.

"You own the barn and horses?"

"Yeah... It's not the best but I'm making enough money to keep it going with the boarding horses."

"Nice. Jessie is at the dinner with my family right now."

"Oh oh well. What does your dad do?"

His face darkens a little. His eyes turn a darker blue. "He owns a business in New York City. He's arrogant to everyone and is never ever home. I'm very close to my mom because of that."

"Oh that stinks. Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope only child. You?"

Why did I do this? I ask all these questions. I can't expect to not get questions back.

"Uh um uh no."

"Only child buddies!" He doesn't notice my face. If you look at my face when I lie it's obvious. I'm an awful liar in that sense.

We walk around and climb the fence into the ice rink. It's beyond me how Jase could do it.

As soon as a hit the ice, I fell.

And he laughs at me.

"I would say 'I promise I will help you' but I don't have arms to catch you." He smiles.

"Thanks." I roll my eyes at him. "This will be fun."


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