Chapter 46

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I love you.
Jake's words echoed in my mind. I just sat there in silence as Jake looked at me for a reaction. I didn't have anything, I didn't know what to do.

"No. No. No. Please don't say I read you wrong." Jake whispers and I gulp. Do I like him? I know I did. I know I used to love any time we had together. My heart melted when he protected me. He's the perfect boy. He's the kind of guy every girl dreams of. Sweet, funny, kind, understanding, polite, loyal, protective. He's all I have ever wanted. He's the knight in shining armor I dreamed of as a little girl. He's the boy my mother told me will love me forever and will always be there for me. He's the one.

"You didn't read anything wrong." I whisper and take a deep breath. "I like you too Jake." I say and suddenly want to take back my words. I'll hurt him. I'll hurt him like I hurt everyone around me. I'm like an out of control train, once I am going I don't stop. I'll hurt anyone in my way even if I don't mean to. No one can stop me until I go off a cliff and self destruct.

But Allie, you will be safer now. They caught the bad guys.

But what if I like Chase or someone else?

You like Jake, Allie.

But what if I don't.


"Hello Ms. Carter, could we borrow you for a second?" A woman in a blue dress asks me.

"Sorry ma'am I have to get ready. Maybe later?" I suggest and turn back to Jake and Jason. It's been tense between Jason and I since the window incident.

"Allie you look like s*hit. Did you sleep at all the past week?" KMP tells me as he approaches me and the guys. I really didn't sleep at all the past night. I spent it worrying about my future and Jake. The boy I told I loved him but I may have been lying.

"Thanks and no I didn't sleep. I'm only standing because of Coffee and energy bars." I state wanting nothing more than to go to bed.

"What are you going to tell coach when he asks why your hands are wrapped and bloody?" Jason bluntly asks interrupting my conversation with KMP. I didn't think of that.

"She'll tell him that she got angry at one of us and started punching us. It's not a lie." Chase buts in and comes between me and Jake.

"Which one of us did she all of a sudden start punching?" Jason asks.

"We'll go with me." Chase says and pulls up his shirt to reveal a black and blue chest and a very sculpted body.

"Holy crap Chase. I'm so sorry." My eyes widen realizing I did that and I throw myself at him and hug him. He winces as my body hits his.

"It's alright, just don't touch me. That will be hard for you I know." He smirks down at me as I frown and back up.

"She's my girlfriend so I would hope it wouldn't be hard." Jake buts in and Chase and KMP's jaws drop and Jason narrows his eyes. I slowly back up.

"What do you mean 'She's my girlfriend.'?" Jason snaps enough for me to flinch.

"I'm dating her dumbass." Jake snaps back.

"Has she agreed to this?" Jason refers to me.

"Yes she has." Jake answers.

"Can she talk?" Jason snaps at Jake and starts advancing towards me.

"Yes." Jake responds for me again. I inch over to KMP's side and he throws an arm around me.

"If you hurt Allie like you her you will f*ucking pay. You hear me?" Jason snaps and I almost see his eyes watering.

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