Chapter 45

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None of us brought/ had passports so we could only stand on the American side of Niagara Falls. It was still beautiful, the ice frozen over because it is so cold.

I lean against the railing holding me back from falling into the American Falls. I am wearing a navy 'Lighthouse Football' sweatshirt and white short shorts. The shorts are from 7th grade so they are a bit too short but I didn't think of that while packing. In fact I didn't think of anything, it is 21°F and I'm wearing shorts. At least it is much warmer than yesterday. All I brought was shorts, my football uniform, a hoodie, a pair of underwear, and a sports bra. I wasn't prepared to be here for extra days and shorts were a last minute thing. I couldn't wear my pants from my uni because they are all muddy and dirty. The guys claimed I would come running crying if I wore shorts in this temperature so here I am wearing shorts in below freezing temperatures with snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Allie aren't you freezing?" Jason asks from behind me.

"Nope." I say too stubborn to give in. I'm not going to let them be right. Jason just rolls his eyes at me.

"Football." I yell signaling the team over. On the bus ride over we decided that was how I would get their attention instead of 'Lighthouses' or 'Harbor High' or 'Greenwich.' The coaches sent me and Jason out in charge because they didn't want to deal with us since they both have pretty severe concussions. "Coach wants us to take a team picture so get over here. Yes all of you." I yell to my team over the poor tourists in our vicinity.

The team all gets against the railing and crams together. I ask this younger woman to take our picture and she gladly takes my phone. I run over and get next to Müller on the end of the standing row. After she takes out picture she speaks.

"Hey you are Allison Carter right?" The woman asks me.

"Yeah that's me." I say warily.

"I'm really glad to see you out there, you really keep these boys in line. I played boys hockey but they always pushed me around, it sucks. Oh I'm Linda by the way." She reaches her hand out for me to shake and I do.

"Nice to meet you. Yeah I keep them in line pretty well I think." I say and glance back at the boys. Harrison is trying to scale the fence while a security guard is prying him off.

Linda leans in to me, "What ever you do, don't give them your virginity."

"How do you know I'm a virgin?" I ask my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Honey check the news. I would also keep as much as possible a secret. You aren't that famous yet but you are well known. People want dirt on you so keep it on the DL." She says.

"Well thanks but I have to pry my linebacker off that fence. Nice meeting you." I tell her and refer to Harrison climbing the fence. I walk away from Linda and yell, "Harrison, off the fence and 2 laps around this area."


We went back to the hotel after we ate lunch and planned on doing whatever for the rest of the day.

"Allison come on a walk with me. We need to talk." Jason says his eyes were wide.

"Alright." I say not putting up and fight and we walked in silence to the elevator, through the lobby with the weird guy and outside to a bench. Jason wordlessly pulls out his phone.

On his phone is the headline, Allison Carter and Samantha Carter: Could They Be Related?

The article reads, Last night Allison Carter made many headlines across the country. She's a star quarterback from a small town in upstate New York who coached and played 1/2 of the high school championship football game. Her coaches were both knocked unconscious prior to the kickoff. During half time in Buffalo, New York, Allison was seen running out of the locker room screaming, 'He has a gun.' A man who's name is yet to be released by the police and his son were seen cornering her with weapons. They were arrested by officials after shots fired leaving one injured.
Samantha Carter is the girl no one sees outside the race track. Some believe that Samantha Carter is a fake identity. She has made the headlines as well with the death of her trainer and close friend Alan Reed. Samantha rides only 2 horses, and one has the potential to race in the Kentucky Derby. The question is where is she right now?
After this photo was posted on social media late last night, questions have arisen. The photos are of Allison and Samantha next to each other in which they have a strong resemblance of one another.

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