Chapter 34

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Smoke. I wake up to the smell of smoke.

"Autumn! Autumn! Wake up Autumn!" I shake and yell at her. She doesn't move. "Autumn. Autumn please." I scream.

"Wh-" Autumn starts to open her eyes and then she notices the smoke too.

"Autumn, you need to get out." By then I had pulled her up and started pushing her towards the back door. I threw my phone at her. "Call the police. Stay here. Don't move." I tell her and run back into the building that's on fire.

I see a flame near the front door that's spreading quickly. I quickly open the stall closest to me the run across and open the next. I open 9 stalls and there is one left with a horse in it. I see a burning piece of wood fall down in the back of the mare's stall. I try to open the latch out it wouldn't budge. It wasn't exactly easy with only one hand. I try to breathe in but find it harder and harder to breathe. The mare is rearing up and kicking at the walls. I can't open the latch, fire is spreading. I take short shallow breaths in.

"Allie get out of there!" I faintly hear someone yell.

I finally throw open the stall door but I fall. I hit the ground. I take more shallow breaths. My vision goes blotchy, first a little and then all at once. Then it's black. Darkness takes over my body.


I open my eyes and yet again the ceiling was white. Go figure I was in a hospital again. I feel sharp pain throughout my body. My broken arm was throbbing and my head was too. I had a tube under my nose and I was pretty sure an IV in my arm.

"She's awake." Someone yells. I look and see its Autumn. "Allie oh Allie I thought I lost you. I thought I lost you." She yells and sobs into my shirt, or more like hospital gown.

"Could you please not yell?" I croak out.

She sobs more into my shirt in response.

"She's awake?" I hear someone yell.

"Yeah shhh." Autumn says between sobs. I lift my head to try and see who came in but pain shoots through me.

"It's okay Allison. It's Susan. Everything will be okay." Susan told me. "One second let me call a nurse."

I lay there with Autumn on me wondering why I was here this time. Just then a nurse came in and started checking things next to me. Then she gently moves Autumn off of me and checked my blood pressure and all of that fun stuff. After she was done she informed me a doctor would be in shortly and she left the room.

"Autumn, honey, will you let me talk to Allie alone for a bit?" Susan gently asks Autumn.

"No." Autumn responds and puts on a passive expression.

"Please? Just for a bit. You should also get something to eat." Susan asks again.

"No, you can't make me." Autumn yells. Before Susan can speak I do.

"Autumn, please? It's just for a bit. I'm sure they have oatmeal raisin cookies around here somewhere, why don't you go and see?" I croak out. She looks at me and then at Susan and puts her head down and walks out of the room mumbling a 'fine'. I direct my attention to a nervous looking Susan.

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