Chapter 5

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I awoke with the sunlight pouring into my windows. I smiled and stretched. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. My entire life was here now. I got my phone and checked Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for any news. After spending a half hour doing that, I turned my camera on to vlog. "HeeeeEEEEEEyyyy everyone. JessieGirl here. I just woke up in my new bedroom in LA!" I continued to describe what I'd be doing that day. Unpacking and going shopping with my parents to get anything else I may need. I finished recording and I put my phone away.
I sat up and looked around. There was still boxes scattered around the room. Some opened, some still sealed shut. I was just beaming. So excited to start my new life.
I walked downstairs and my parents were awake. "Morning guys." I greeted. "Good morning honey." My mom said as she came over to hug me. "So," I said hugging back. "I think we should finish unpacking and then go out to get what I still need." My dad nodded, on the phone with someone. I looked curiously at him. "Who's dad on the phone with?" I asked my mom. "He's just getting all your necessities taken care of, water, electricity, and all that." I nodded and then went over to the fridge; opened it, seeing it was empty, I shut it.
"We should probably also go grocery shopping too." I said. "That'd be a good idea." My mom agreed.
My dad finished on the phone and hung up. He walked over and greeted me with a warm hug and a friendly smile. I looked up at him as he hugged me. That's another thing I would miss about him, his towering body against my 5'7" body and his big bear hugs. Always knew when to give them and they were the best hugs.
We got started unpacking upstairs. My bedroom and bathroom came first. As we got the furniture such as my dresser and my bookshelves all set and done; my phone buzzed with a notification. Mark had uploaded a new video. My heart fluttered a little. But I knew it had to wait a bit due to all the unpacking. I set my phone down and continued to unpack. Anxiously waiting for the chance to watch it.

A few hours later, we finally got everything unpacked upstairs. I put my hands on my sides and smiled confidently. It felt good to have everything all squared away and set up. I took out my phone and the notification still there of the new Markiplier video, I smiled but I wanted to get a vlog out of the way. "So," I said into the camera. "We got everything unpacked and I am very happy with how it looks. But there is one room that I specifically want to show you." I made my way out of my bedroom and into my recording room. "Here she is! My new recording room!" I said beaming. Around where I set up my desk were foam pads on the walls. The foam was to soak up any noise and quiet it. I put all my posters of my favorite YouTubers around where there wasn't any foam. I had both monitors set up with my headphones draped over my microphone. I had a few lights to make myself and the room brighter since the lights that came in the room were pretty weakly lit.

"This is my sanctuary, my little happy place. I can't wait to record new videos here." After that, I shut off recording and then pulled up Twitter. I sent out a tweet saying: "Just moved into the new place! I can't wait to start recording some new material soon. #newvideossoon". It got a few favorites and retweets. A few people commented saying "I can't wait!", "hurry! I've missed your games!". I smiled.

My parents and I got ready to go out and get some groceries and other stuff. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I put on my favorite pair of denim shorts and my Superwoman shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail.
I walked outside and then my parents and I walked into town. The Main Street was bustling with different people. Some trying to sell you things, entering and exiting shops and stores, and people just walking or running. As we walked I looked around at the nature and surroundings. Palm trees swaying gently with the breezes coming and going. As we walked into the store, I noticed how big it was. Compared to what it looked like on the outside, this place was huge. We got ourselves a shopping cart and started filling it with things I didn't have yet; coffee maker, dishwasher soap, laundry detergent, and other stuff.
We bought some big bags to carry the groceries we were getting later but first we decided to take what we got home first.
I set up everything and got it all set. We went back out for groceries. Before I left the house, my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone and then froze. My eyes bulging out of my head.

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