Chapter 23

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We walked out to the car and got in.
We made our way out of the driveway and on the road. I was looking out the window; watching the world go by. I felt his fingers lace through mine; rubbing his thumb on my hand. I simply smiled and looked over at him. He was looking straight at the road, driving. He was so handsome. I can't believe he is all mine. I felt like I was living a dream.
We got to his house and pulled in the driveway. He turned the car off then looked over at me. "I should probably warn you." He said. I looked at him questioningly. He sighed. "The people I live with....are a bit...out there..."
I guess I looked confused; so he proceeded to tell me what he meant. "They don't really know when to shut up. They always have to speak their minds." I looked a bit wary at this. "But!" He said holding up his finger. "Those guys are some of my best friends."
I smiled a bit, still uncertain about going in. But he squeezed my hand and I just looked at him, he looked so excited.
"You really want me to meet them?" I asked.
He nodded excitedly. I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt. "Let's do it." I told him.

We got up to the front door and he put the key in the lock; he looked back at me and then opened the door. "Mark!" Someone called. "Is that you?! Where have you been?" Someone appeared around the corner. A young man, about Mark's age, came out and walked over. He stopped as soon as he saw me and stared at me wide eyed. "Well hello there..." He walked over to me.
"Ryan," Mark held his hand up and took my hand with the other. "I'd like you to meet-"
"Jessica, I know who she is." Ryan said. "I saw your video. She's your guuuuuuurlfriend." He held his hand out. "The name's Ryan." He said. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand cautiously; I didn't know how I felt about this guy. He took my hand and shook it. "So," he said. "How does it feel to be dating the ever famous Markiplier."
"Okay, Ryan." Mark said. "That's enough." He started to walk towards the stairs and then Ryan went back to wherever he was.
We walked up the stairs and into Mark's room. Mark went into his closet and got a duffle bag out and started to put stuff into the bag. I sat on his bed and looked around. I shivered and wrapped my arms around me. Suddenly, something hit me on the side of my head. "Gah!" I said surprised. "What th-" I took the item off my face and saw it was a hoodie. I looked up to see Mark standing in the door way with his arms folded and leaning his shoulder on the doorway. He gave me a smirk. "What is t-"
"I saw you were cold. I wanted to help warm you up." He told me. I blushed and smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he said slyly. "Put it on." I smiled and put the hoodie on, it had the faint smell of his cologne. It was slightly warm from being on his body. After I put the hoodie on, I hugged myself and smiled. I heard him laugh. I looked over to see him leaning over with his arms still crossed and laughing. I got up and ran to hug him, wrapping my arms around him cutely. He was still laughing that famous laugh of his. He calmed down and then wrapped his arms around me. "You are so adorable." he said with a huge smile on his face. I giggled.

After Mark got done packing, we headed downstairs. There were two other guys who joined Ryan in the living room. They all looked up as we came down the stairs. Mark took my hand as we got to the bottom; we started walking and a voice called out "Hey Mark! You going to introduce us?". Mark stopped, sighed and then turned around; still holding my hand.
"Guys," he started. "I want you to meet my-"
He got interrupted by the one guy wearing glasses. "Your girlfriend. Please tell me it's your girlfriend."
Mark just raised the hand that was holding mine.
The other guy, tall and thin, spoke next. "Good job picking her out Mark. Now we know why you're never here anymore." They all laughed.
"But in all seriousness, congrats."
The tall thin one walked over and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Matt. It's nice to meet you." I held out the hand I had free and shook Matt's hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Matt."
The other guy with glasses walked over and held out his hand. "My name is Daniel." I shook his hand. "Hi, Daniel." I said smiling at him. "I like the glasses."
"Oh these?" He said taking them off. Then he poked a finger through where the lens would be. He must have seen my shocked expression; because he laughed. "Didn't expect them to be fake, huh?" He chuckled.
"No!" I said amazed. "They are so real looking too. Can I try them?"
He handed me the glasses and I put them on. I looked over at Mark, "How do I look?" I asked and made a face.
"Very cute." He said with a sheepish smile on his face. I squeezed his hand a little.
"Awwww!" The guys all said together. "How cute!"
"Oh, fuck off." Mark said snapping his glare at them.

We finally got back to my house an hour later. The guys told me about their channel and that I should check them out. Cyndago, I think it was called.
We pulled in and Mark turned off the car.
"Okay, I am so sorry about them." He started. "I know they are a bit much and I didn't expect them to be so..." His voice trailed off.
"...out there?" I finished his sentence.
"Yes. Exactly." He said with a smile.
We both laughed and made our way up to the house.
For some reason I was so anxious to make a video as soon as we walked in the door.
"Hey, Markimoo." I said. "Wanna maybe make a video when we get inside?" I asked.
He turned around and smiled.
"I thought you were never going to ask." He said, beaming.
I laughed and unlocked the door. "You can bring your stuff upstairs and I guess put it in my room." I told him.
"You guess?" He asked curiously.
"Well, yeah...where else are you going to sleep?" I asked.
"Well, I mean...the couch is pretty comfortable." He said slyly.
I giggled. "Will you just get your stuff in my room?"
He laughed and put his duffle bag in my room and then came out and hugged me around the waist.I giggled and hugged his arms. He held his arms there for a bit then let go. He turned me to face him and he lifted my chin up, smiled at me and pressed his forehead to mine. We stood like that in silence; the floor and ceiling seemed to evaporate. I felt like he made us die and float to heaven. I opened my eyes and looked up at him; he looked into my eyes.

It was at that moment when I realized, I am in love with this man

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It was at that moment when I realized, I am in love with this man.

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