Chapter 7: 347

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What the fuck did I just do? I don't want him to explain himself to me. Do I? No, I don't. It's his fault. If I haven't let Tori explain herself to me, then why him. No, I do not give people second chances. If you screw up the first time, the second time, you're destined to.

Oh what am I saying, I'm in love with this boy.

"Boys, could we have a minute?" Niall asks everyone.

"Hell no! I know you two. When you both are together, you'll suck each others faces off so no, you both will go to your bedroom and talk it over THEN hook up while WE'RE down here watching TV now go, leave, we hate your presence!" Lou sasses.

"Asshole" Niall mutters on his way up the stairs.

"Geez Lou, so much for a movie night or even going out to dinner" I spit out.

We get to Niall's room and he closes the door as I sit down on his bed and say,

"Ok you've got one chance and one chance only, now shoot before I change my answer to truth."


"What if we don't make up?" I ask Liam alone in the kitchen.

"Haz, you're going to. You're Harry Styles. She's Tori Kilmore, you both are destined." He tells me reassuringly.

"Liam, she's not gonna wanna talk to me."

"Yes she will, because she'll see that you'll have to talk. I've already talked to her and told her, 'us boys will make sure you both wont talk' but that's bull, I'm sorry to say."

"What are you gonna do than?" I ask cautiously.

"Oh it's simple. But I'm not telling you." Liam tells me with a straight face while getting out the juice from the fridge and pouring himself some.

"C'mon mate please?" I plead.

"No Harry. But ill give you a hint..." Liam says and sips his orange juice before continuing, "Make sure you eat enough that night, because you sure as hell won't be getting a lot of food in during that time." Then he just walks out to the living room.

"You're a pain Payne, you know that?" I tell him as I follow behind.

"Ha ha PUNS" Lou shouts out.

"Shut the hell up Lou no one cares!" Zayn yells, while laying down on one of the couches.

"Uuhh aca-scuse me?" The Tommo says with sass.

"No. One. Cares." He repeats, sitting up.

"You wanna fight?" Lou asked, playing.

"Bite me" Zayn fires back and than before we know it, two boys are rolling on the ground while Liam and I pay no attention the the TV and just sit and record the whole thing.

'@ZaynMalik and @LouisTomlinson fighting because of puns. Oh how fun puns are.' Liam tweeted and within 11 seconds he had over 5000 retweets and 8900 favorites.

I had the twitter rush so, I decided to tweet something simple, with meaning though that only certain would get.

'It's been a while, but thoughts have been thought and songs have been written just about you.' Like Mr. Payne's, mines gotten many retweets and favorites. I scroll through the many but back up until I recognize a favorite from '@HappyKilmore' and my heart stopped beating for just a second.


"And then I was pushed into her by a bastard to my left and honest to God Lanes, she-"

"Don't call me that" I cut Niall off from finishing the last part of the long, drawn out story of the awful night, by telling him that with a blank expression. Too many memories.

"Right, sorry. So anyways, I looked at her, realized who it was, than her lips were on mine. I promise Laney, I didn't feel anything and it meant nothing and I didn't do any of that on purpose. I promise promise promise." Niall tells me after he stopped pacing around the room and looked me straight in the eyes, locking connection with his blue orbs.

"Is that it?" I ask, my arms crossed from the very beginning.

"Umm..." He mumbles out.

"Niall, I know you. You've been planning out that speech for 3 months. You've been wanting to tell me that for 3 months. You've been waiting to hear from me for 3 months. I don't want to hear what you thought about 3 months ago, now that I've heard the whole story. I want to hear what you're thinking about now, at 8:23pm." I tell him as I am now the one circling him as he's sitting down on this desk chair.

He goes to sit on his bed and takes my hand so I sit across from him and starts,

"Look Laney, I could go on for years about how much you matter to me. I could write a book just about all your cute little facial expressions, but that's not what I want or you want. You want the truth and I just told you it. But here's the legit, hardcore truth. I, Niall James Horan am in love with you, Laney Elizabeth Fitz. You are all I think about, 24/7. You are my heart and soul and I just want you to be healthy, happy and safe. Yes, I was the one who begged Liam to go in the car ride with him and Harry to pick you up, just so I could tell myself, yeah, I got to see her before any other of the boys. I wear my Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, and Bruins stuff whenever I'm around you because I know you love those teams and their your favorite. I specifically make sure to not eat the chips in the house, so when you're around, you can eat them. I wear blue the most because I know its your favorite color. I have 347 text message drafted to you telling my honest feelings for you in my phone, but just never had the guts to send them. I don't hate you because we didn't talk for 3 months, I love you because I didn't get to see your beautiful smile for 3 months. I love you because I know you're the only one I love, even if you do hate me, I do love you. And at 8:34pm, that's what I feel." Niall tells me, each minute getting in closer and closer to me until to the last part, our finger are intertwined and our foreheads are touching.

"Niall-" I try to get a whisper out but get cut off.

"No. Please, just let me feel this moment for a second before we have to be done." He says. His eyes are closed as mine are now also.

"Please, call me Lanes." I tell him before I open my eyes and peck his cheek than get off his bed and walk out of his room and start down the stairs where voices are being tossed.


Hey guys!

I think this was one of my favorite chaps so far, idk whyy ahha








Thankssss loveliesssssss!!:)<333


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