Chapter 20: Rain

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"Liam, uhh, can I um ask you a favor mate?" I ask him.

"Sure what's up Niall?"

"Well, uh first I need to tell you something and please, you can't tell a soul." I beg hopelessly.

"Course, you can trust me man. I promise" he tells me with a smile.

"Ok, um, well, so, Laney and I have kinda been ya know, sneaking around as you say? But mate I swear-"

"Niall you don't have to explain yourself haha that's good, I mean I'm happy for you. How long?" He asks with a grin.

"About 2 weeks..." I tell him rubbing the back of my neck.

"So what's the favor?" He asks.

"Oh uh, well her prom is in about 1 week so, I really don't want her going with a douche bag and I know it may get out but I'm being made by management to 'go out' with this bitch she hates Alex but I really wanna go with Laney and I don't know what to do or how to ask so there's jus-"

"Niall. Shut the fuck up and slow your words down. Here's what you're going to do. When you go out with Alex tomorrow night, you're gonna ask her to prom but set the rules straight, you're going to go 'with Alex' will be the cover story but really you're going with Laney. Ill help you, the boys will help yo-"

"No! The um, well you're the only one that knows other than Lou because Laney told him... I don't know how to exactly tell them." I tell him.

"Ok well if you're not ready that's fine I'm not gonna make you, I'm just saying, you should tell them Niall, they're also your best mates."

"I know Liam, I will soon I promise."

"Ok, I'll help you figure out how to ask her. Tomorrow night after your trip to hell?" He asks.

"Cheers mate, thank you Liam, really." I say and give him a hug.



"Baby, can I get some more iced tea pleaseee?" The bitch wines as we're in the restaurant being watched like hawked by paps.

I look up from the menu, smile widely and say,

"I don't give a fuck go ahead, you have a mouth so ask"

"Roar, someone's a little cranky huh? Tell me about it babe." She says grabbing my hand on the table. I flinch for a second but then realize I can't pull back because well, ya know. The paps.

"I really don't want to take to you or want you touching me but hey, if we have to talk, let's talk," I say smiling like I'm having the time of my life.

"You are a bitch, not just to me but to my girlfriend and her best friend-"

"The one you kissed, right Niall?" She interrupts with a vicious grin.

I could have strangled her right then and there but, ya know. The paps.

"Yeah, ok, my turn. We are not anything, will never be anything and I hate you. I don't know how they found you but what are the odds, you're up to something and I get it, I'm not an idiot. I'm not asking you to prom, I'm telling you, we're going to prom together BUT, I'm not going for you, I'm going for my girlfriend. And, if any of this information goes anywhere at all ever, I know so much about you, so much you don't know I know. That will get out everywhere, and THAT'S a promise. We clear?" I ask, still, surprisingly, fake smiling.

She grins, yet again, "crystal."

"Good. Now, eat up I wanna leave as soon as I can." I tell her.


"Niall where are we going?"

"One second Lanes, just trust me" he whispers.

"But why are we driving into the city at 11:45 at night and why did you make us dress up and uh wh- why in gods name are you whispering Niall? You never fucking whisper!" I ask desperately. While he was on his date he texted me and told me to get really dressed up. So, Eleanor and I went out shopping last minute, because she so happened to be in town, and I got a dark blue dress with heals and curled my hair. And my boy looks as handsome as ever in his suit.

My boy? Oh yeah, we don't date...

"Laney Elizabeth calm the fuck down babe, we're here. Now, you just need to close your eyes for like 2 seconds." He tells me.

"Niall? Why? Wh-" and I get blinded by a bandana over my head by Irish.

"I fuc-" I start.

"Save your swearing for later, c'mon. Watch your step love."

I'm told by Niall. I've been guided left and right all around and I didn't get a chance to look out the window and actually see where we are before we stopped. Finally, I'm told to stand still while footsteps leave my side.

All of a sudden, I hear the beginning of the song 'Irresistable' by the guys and the bandana is taken off of me and lights are put on. I open my eyes and see Liam to the side of me smiling and pointing straight, to the O2 Arena Stage where Niall and the rest of the guys are.

"Don't, try to make me stay or ask me if I'm ok, I don't have the answer..." Niall starts singing the acoustic version as the rest if the boys sing backup, as Liam reaches the stage.

I keep slowly walking, smiling ear to ear than finally reach the stage as he sings the last verse,

"And your eyes, irresistible." He places the guitar down as the boys jump off the stage and run backstage to leave us alone.

"Niall- that- I- thank you so much- I, I don't know what to say- I loved it." I speechlessly get out.

"Well, that's not all." And the lights go out as soon as he said the end if that. He kisses my cheek and runs off.

All of a sudden, twinkly lights are being put on, strand by strand all at the top of the arena where the seats are so it circles the place.

"Laney, will you go to prom with me?" I hear from behind me.

I turn around and see 'PROM?' On the big screen with Niall on the stage holding a microphone.

"C'mere and you'll get the answer" I yell to him. He smiles, jumps off the stage and bolts to me.

"Sooo will you beautiful?" Niall asks smiling.

And I give him the best kiss I've ever given him in a long time.

"Of course I will Irish. Thankyou" i tell him leaning my forehead against his.

We're standing in the middle of the arena just as water gets sprinkled onto us. Just like our first date.

"They're gonna kill you for having rain pour down" I inform him still in his arms.

"But it's all worth it" Niall tells me.






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