Chapter 20: Just wondering

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"Ok, so obviously she's not going away any time soon." I tell the girls. Niall had to go to an after party after the concert with Alex, and just Alex. Right now, it's me Laney and Tori in the living room. Very awkward might I add. The rest of the boys went out with their girlfriends to the party also, and they were telling everyone else that I had felt very dizzy after the concert for me so I get to come home and chill.

"Well, yeah no shit." Laney chimes in.

"Has Niall told you anything?" I ask Laney.

"Nope, I mean, from just what I told you" she tells me.

"Well she needs to leave." Tori says. Laney looks between both Tori and I and says after a few moments,

"I think I'm going to to for a walk. Ill be back soon..." And gets up and closes the front door after outside.

It takes a couple of minutes of the tv playing before she says,

"So, you guys did good at the concert the other night."

"Thanks" is all I say. I'm not budging, I can't.

Minutes go by before I need to know the answer.

"So who's your date to prom?"

She looks at me as if I just said I was pregnant.

"Uhmm my friend Mike. Yeah he asked me before I flew out here."

"Nice. How is Mike? He a good guy?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, he's a nice kid. I've known him since I was 5 so we grew up together."

"Tell me about Mike. Where's he live, how old is he, family, job?"

"Well, he lives in Boston, same town as me. He's my age, 17. He has 2 younger sisters and a little brother and he works in the city." She tells me.

"Mmmhhh" is all I hum out.

"Why Harry?" Tori asks after about 3 minutes.

"Just wondering." Is what I say with a high pitched voice.

"You don't 'just wonder' about things like that Harry, I know you."

"Ok, I'm sorry Tori, I would like to know who my ex girlfriend is going to prom with, I'm sorry for caring." I tell her with intense eyes.

"Well, if you actually cared you wouldn't just be asking questions, you would be taking action." She says angrily as she gets up from her place on the couch. I look at her and say,

"I'm sorry but, there's not a lot of action I can take. I still don't trust you 100% even though I may still be in love with you. You broke my heart, and I'm sorry but I'm not going to be Niall and all of a sudden ask you to prom. I'm sorry I'm not that guy that forgives and forgets right away. I'm sorry I can't do that because I don't want to get my heart crushed again by you." I say as I follow her into the kitchen.

"Harry, I'm not asking you to be sorry, I'm asking for your forgiveness." Is what she says.

"Yeah, well it's not that easy." I tell her getting frustrated.

"Harry you just told me you loved me! I'm not asking for you to forget I'm asking for your forgiveness, I'm sorry, truly truly sorry." She tells me inching closer and closer to me as I'm lent up against the counter.

I look at her and start leaning in and connect our lips. It's like nothing has changed, her soft lips on mine as they move in sync. Just as I'm to deepen the kiss someone clears their throat behind us.

"Oh hey Lanes, good walk huh?" Tori says as we separate.

"Ya whatever" is what Laney replies with.

I look at Tori and realize I can't do this.

So I walk away, leave her there and walk away.

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