Chapter 13: But I...

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What the hell did I just do? Did I just invite him over? To his house none the less? I thought we weren't even friends? We aren't suppose to be talking, I shouldn't even be here. What did I just get myself into.

I sit and wait by the window to watch when he comes. It took about ten minutes, since we got off the phone, for me to see the boy in gray sweat pants, a plain white tee shirt, white supras, and a dark blue Red Sox SnapBack on backwards, walking down the sidewalk.

As me being me, I panic and jump up out of my seat. Oddly, I go look in the mirror thats running down the corridor to make sure I looked alright. I than hear footsteps on the steps outside of the house in the late hours of the night.

I try to look as normal as I can, leaning against the counter in the kitchen, scrolling on my phone waiting for the doorbell. After I don't hear it, and just hear the door closing, I go sit down on the couch in the next room.

"You could've rang the doorbell" I say, not looking up from my phone.

"Laney, its my house. Why would I?" He says, sitting down opposite of me.

I just look up quickly, roll my eyes, and go back trolling through Twitter.

"So why are you here?" Niall asks me.

"I don't know, just a place to get away." I say simply.

He looks over at me and nods.

After a minute or so, he breaks the silence,

"Listen Lanes, I don't want to do this."

I look up and lock my phone and say blankly,

"Yeah Niall, I understand. You don't want to be friends because it would be for the best. It's fine I get it, I agree."

"What? You a-you agree?"

"Yeah. I guess I do. It only makes sense. We went out once, we shouldn't make it awkward between us once again. Im sorry, I shouldn't have come here, its your house. It's fine, you're right." I say blankly avoiding eye contact, while standing up.

"What? Laney, I came over here to tell you I don't want that." Niall said this as I was turning around and heading into the kitchen, but as I heard that, I whipped my head around and stopped dead in my tracks.

"You. What?!" I ask cautiously.

"Laney, whatever Louis said, forget it. I know you want it to be, like, "normal" between us again, but this," he said while waving his pointer finger between the both of us and stepping closer to me, "this isn't normal for us, is it?"

"Well than what do you think "normal" is for us?" I shot back, getting defensive for some reason.

He had to think for a moment before answering.

"What I think is what you don't want. But what I know is more than this." Niall said, coming even closer so there were just inched between us.

My breath is caught up for more than a second as we just stare at eachother.

"Niall I-"

"Laney, I know, you don't have to say it. We're "just friends" right now. But please, can we dismiss that for just a minute and please," he said getting even closer and lowering his voice, "let me kiss you."

Getting even closer so that both of our bodies are touching, I think for a moment of fleeing out of the house.

But I don't.

Because I can't.

Because I don't want too.

But I need to.

But I don't.

Looking between his eyes and his lips, we get closer and closer to eachother.

Than, what seems like after forever, he softly places his lips on mine, as if he was waiting for me to pull away quickly.

But I don't, once again.

I kiss back. It felt like old times, the best times. I figured out right than that I wanted those times back so badly.

Niall deepens the kiss, as I do too, but after I realize what we're heading into, I have to pull away.

"Niall, I'm sorry, we can't do this. Friends don't just do this." I say looking down, with my hands on his chest.

"Fine. I know, that was wrong and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. But we're friends right? Everything's ok between us?" He asks cautiously.

"Uhh yeah, yeah I guess. Everything's ok for now." I say making sure I added the ending.

"Alright good. So, because its the middle of the night, do you want to crash here? You can sleep upstairs and I'll sleep down here, or if you don't feel comfortable with me being here, I can walk back to the house." He offers.

"No, Niall, stay. Please." I say, tripping over my words.

He looks at me, smiles and nods while going towards the stairs.

"Well? Aren't you coming?" He asks.

I was taken aback by that and I think it showed because my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"Laney, I meant the bedroom. To go to sleep? I'm going up to grab a pillow and blanket for myself." He says reassuringly with a smirk.

I nod and head up the stairs with him and go into his ever so familiar room as he goes into the bathroom to grab his things.

I look around his room and recompose everything, every single thing.

"You all set?" He asks creaking open the door.

"Um yeah I think." I say smiling a little looking at him.

"Don't hesitate to wear a shirt and some sweats or whatever you need. You kinda know where everything is." He says.

As he's closing the door I stop him by saying,


"Yeah Lanes?" He answers looking me right into my eyes like there's so much he wants to tell me right than and there.

"Thank you." I smile.

He smiles and for a moment stays silent, until he speaks and says,

"Your welcome princess."

And with that, he leaves me speechless, but that was him just saying that he knows I don't just mean for a room.

Heeyyyyyy how was that chapter?!

Longer deffff!!:))))

Well ily guys so much and thank you for 2.3k on Footsteps and Im so happy you guys like it and are sticking with me even if I don't update all the time!

Im so thankful for all of you guys everyday!






-Abby Xx.

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