Chapter 1~ A Little Crush

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I look up and see a boy with red eyes and brown hair, I hug my sister in a protective way and he chuckles and it's like music to my ears

" it's alright, I'll take you somewhere safe " he says and my sister hugs him and he waits for me. I hesitate but grab his hands, trusting him to protect us.

" Onee-chan, kaname-sama came to visit " Yuki yells and pulls kaname in. I look at him and blush and go back to reading. He sits next to me and reads the page and says " let's play a game " I look up at him and nod.

He strokes my cheek and smiles warmly at me and pulls me into a hug. I blush and my heart beats faster as I wrap my arms around his waist.

" MIYUKI CROSS " I heard someone yell my name and someone poke my cheek and open my eyes to see Yori staring at me with pity. I raise my head and the teacher is red with rage.

" why where you sleeping in class along with your sister and zero " I look around and sweat dropped. " oops sorry" I said and chuckled nervously. The teacher continued class and yori chuckled. " you and Yuki are always like that "

" I couldn't help it " I say and make a pouty face. The bells ring and I run out of class before anyone. I walk into the headmaster's office and see kaname and blush. " oh I came to get my weapon " I said and walked to the closet and pulled out ' sacred weapon crescent rose '

It takes the form of a katana but it can be a scythe and it's deadly. It also can summon a chain just in case. I picked it up and smiled. I took me years to train to be strong enough to wield a weapon like this.

" okay, I'll see you later father and kaname " I yelled and ran out the door with my weapon. I got to the cross over and put crescent rose near a tree. I see Yuki and wave at her. The gate open and the girls go wild.

I ran and held back the girls but Yuki bumped into me and fell pulling me down with her. She was on top of me and kaname came in to rescue her. " Yuki are you alright " he asked her while I helped myself.

I saw Zero and ran over to him and said " why do you always come at the bad times " he looked at me and squeezed my cheeks and I whimpered in pain. " zero.... Your gonna kill me " I said and he grinned.

" save me, Ruka " I called and ruka came over and pulled me away from her and I hugged her. She was like a big sister to me. Zero glared and walked away while I talked to the night class. " he is so rude " hanabusa complain and ruka and everyone else agreed.

" that's not true, everyone is kind and gentle in their own way " I said and they looked at me with warm eyes. " now head to class before I scold you " I said and they all chuckled at my childish side.

" Miyuki how are you " a voice said and it cause me to fall. I looked up and blushed when I saw those reddish brown eyes. He helped me up and said " I'm sorry did I scare you "

" n-no, I'm not afraid of anything " I said proudly until I saw a evil clown and screamed. I looked at Ruka and her eyes where glowing. I blushed in embarrassment. I heard them all laugh and my face was like a tomato.

When they left I grabbed my sword and patrolled. I ended up at the fountain and looked back at my reflection.

I saw a girl with reddish brown hair that are in pig tails and her left eye is covered by her hair while her other eye is reddish brown. Yep that's me, after the accident I never showed my left eye again.

I sat down and heard footsteps and looked up to see kaname. He sat down next to me and it was silent for a minute until I said " shouldn't you be in class " he chuckled which made me blush and my heart beat fast.

" why are you red " he asked and I blushed and splashed water on face and said " no, I'm not " he laughed lightly and stroked my cheek. " your so adorable " he said and kissed my cheek.

I felt my cheeks burn and my heart was beating extremely fast. " I'll see you later, goodnight Miyuki " he said and walked away.

I signed and touched my cheek and blushed again. Kaname Kuran I love you,but Yuki loves you too. So stop playing with me you idiot

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