Chapter 5~ Vampire Bites

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I gripped Zero's shirt as he drank my blood, I opened my eyes and realized we where late for the crossover. I pulled him off me but he pushed me back down and said ina husky voice " so good, your blood is so warm and sweet"

I looked at him frightened and started thrashing around and said " zero, stop your scaring me, please " his eyes flashed back to their normal color and he looked disgusted. " I'm sorry, I'm becoming a monster " he said and gripped his hair.

I touched his hand and pulled it away and said " zero I don't care who you become you'll always be my brother, I'll still love you " I gave him a reassuring smile and put a bandage on my neck and we started walking to the crossover.

When we got their we only saw the night class and Yuki, they sniffed the air and looked at me and zero. " Where have you two been? " Yuki asked and looked at us. She looked jealous but kaname came in.

" you shouldn't be skipping your job, Miyuki " kaname said and glared at me. I looked at him in fear and zero growled at him. I stepped back and looked away. " look at me " he said with a scary voice.

I closed my eyes in fear but felt arms around my fragile body and saw Ruka and Rima hugging me while hanabusa said " lord kaname don't scare her " everyone else looked at kaname as if he was the predator.

" let's go " kaname said in anger and walked off, they hesitated but followed his orders. I felt so afraid of kaname, what happened to that warm hearted boy that used to visit me all the time when we younger.

I walked around patrolling but felt tired from when zero bit me, he took to much of my blood. I stopped at a flower field come to relax and sat down exhausted. I layed down and I started closing my eyes and everything goes dark.

~~~Flashback ~~~

I giggled as I was hiding from kaname, currently I was playing Hide-and-seek with kaname. I was hiding under my bed and heard the door opened and heard kaname calling my name.

" oh I guess, Miyuki doesn't want to see me anymore " he said in pity and started walking away. I jumped out and tackled him and said in joy " no Miyuki wants to be by kaname's side forever " he laugh and hugged me.

" promise me you'll be with me forever " he said and I giggled and kissed his cheek " its a promise, because I'll love you forever, kaname " he hugged me and gave me his sweet warm smile and he stoked my cheek with love....

~~~ Flashback End ~~~

I slowly opened my eyes and saw kaname stroking my cheek and he looked relax. He looked at me lovingly and smiled and said " your awake now " I looked at him a little afraid.

" Miyuki, I'm sorry for my behavior earlier but it's for a reason " he said and hugged me. I looked at surprised but tried to move but he hugged me tighter and said " you promised, you wouldn't leave "

I relaxed and hugged him back and felt his weight on me and he said " I know what you've been doing with zero, please stop that. " I looked surprised and said " but I want to help "

" no, just being able to show that we can live in peace is more than enough " he said. His eyes where slowly closing. " kaname, you look tired please sleep " I said and he smiled and closed his eyes.

" goodnight, my love " I said and smiled at his sleeping figure.

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