Chapter 20~ A New Hope

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

"Yuki, come on we have to hide!!"  I whisper as I grab Yuki's shaking hand as I run silently with her towards the closest as I hear the front door break open. Where is father and Zero?? I hold onto Yuki who is silently crying as I tighten my grip as I glare at the door.

There's footsteps when they suddenly stop and I sign in relief, but the door swings open as crimson red eyes stare down at us. I glare at the vampire as I block Yuki from the vampires gaze as they grip my arm and pull me out. "I wanted your sister, but you'll do. I'll save her for later" their raspy voice says as they hold me down as I struggle against their grip as I hear Yuki's small sobbing as she cries my name.

"No!! Stay away from my sister, I'll crush you. I'll protect her!!" I yell as I glare at the vampire as they stare at me with a smirk as they say "I like you, you stare at me with the same determination your parents had when they sacrificed their lives for you" I continue to glare as they chuckle and pull out a needle as I grow nervous as I grip my small fist.

They chuckle as I shiver as I feel the tip of the needle near my neck as an awful pain makes me gasp and scream. "There this will make it easier for Rido to control you" he says as I cry in pain as my body burns and I grip my eyes as they start burning in pain. He looks at me and gasp as he says "What!! The injection didn't work, your body rejected his blood!! But your eyes are turning different colors, how could this not work!! He's going to kill me" I cry as I see Yuki watch in horror as I smile at her weakly.

"Your a disgrace to serve us purebloods" a familiar voice says as I turn my head and my blurry vision reveals my hero. I smile as he stares at me with concern as the vampire stands running away as Yuki runs to me. "Onee-chan, please don't go to sleep." She cries as I caress her cheek.

Cold hands hold me as they say "Please, don't leave me. I need you" my eyes open as I smile and hold his hand gently and say "Your my..Knight, Kaname-sama"  I smile gently at him as his eyes soften in hope.

My eyes widen as I watch darkness envelope my memory as I see in the distance a figure of a girl with long wavy hair. I could only see her eyes, they were a flaming color. Like fire as flames surrounded her.she stared at me with determination. Cold hands wrap around my shoulders as they chuckle darkly as I freeze in fear.

My body shakes as I turn my head and see a tall man with messy brown hair that went too his shoulders and red and blue eyes that saw through me. His eyes narrowed as he licks his lips, he grabs my chin as he laughs darkly. His lips meet mine as my eyes burn and my eyes are surrounded by the darkness again. "Your my bride for all eternity!!"

My fingers twitch as my eyes slowly open as they squint at the bright light as I feel a wet substance on my face. I touch my cheek as I feel fresh tears as a silver haired boy walks in with a shocked expression. His eyes soften as he says "You sure took your sweet ass time to wake up" I look around as I recall the memories that made me eyes water.

"Z-Zero... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to lose control. I-It was just painful. It still hurts...Right here" I cry as I put my hand where my heart is as Zero holds mine gently as he wipes my tears and smiles kindly as I blush at his smile. He's so cute.. I look away as he chuckles and presses his body against mine as he kisses my forehead.

"Miyuki...I love you" he says as he places his cold hand over my beating heart as I blush "Do you feel that? That's called purpose, your alive for a reason. Don't forget that" he says as my heart pounds loudly as my eyes soften. "You were born to be you, not to be perfect. Your here to be you,your the bravest person I've known. You woke up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that my love, is bravery. Miyuki I love you so much"

He gently kisses my forehead as I smile with tears overflowing down my cheeks as I hug him tightly as I feel hope start rising like a burning flame. "Zero, I also love you. You've always been there to help me, even when I was lying to myself. I shouldn't let my story end here, not yet!! Thank you.. Zero.." I say as I smiled at him widely.

I raised to my feet as I saw a few bandages on my body but they weren't that bad. I walked around with the help of my family, I smiled as I saw Yori as she hugged me with so much hope. They had a little surprise party for me as I smiled at everyone at Cross Academy. I walked with Zero as I wanted to get fresh air but he wouldn't leave my side. He's a lost puppy.

"I'm happy, that I didn't die now. I'm a big dummy.." I say as I hold onto his cold hand as he stops suddenly. I looked curiously at him "Yuki...Will you become my lover?" His words ring throughout my mind as it went blank. He betrayed us.. I told you, we can never be his bride. I don't want this, it hurts again. He'll keep hurting us, but if you take my hand I can make it go away. It hurts so much, I don't want this. I'm so scared. Become a vampire...And I'll never betray you...I promise.

Those reddish brown eyes that I once thought where beautiful looked at me with amusement as he held Yuki tightly by her waist. I moved from Zero as I lunged forward and punched Kaname as he fell into the fountain. "Your so..Your so cruel!! Your the biggest jerk!!" I yell as I move forward to hit him but Zero grips my waist as he pulls me back as I struggle against his grip as Yuki goes to Kaname's aid.

You see.. Yuki will choose Kaname..They will betray you many times, but I can change that. My eyes widen as Yuki glares at me as I let my head fall in shame. You can't rely on anyone..But me. We need each other..Now submit before me!! I.. Can't rely on anyone...I...I will. I pulled my hands away from Zero and lunged forward and threw Yuki in with Kaname as I looked them as I moved the hair from my left eye and glared at them with a new found...Hope. "I..I will never submit to your foolish games, Kaname.

"I am different from Yuki, I'm not kind or naive. I'm a burning flame, I will always burn with a new hope just like the sun rises!! I am Miyuki Cross, and that is why I will never submit. I...I will never fade away because I believe in the flame that burns brightly inside me" I say as I place my hand onto my beating heart as I continue my speech with a new feeling "I'm not your puppet and this isn't your game!! This is what we all call life, you rise or you find a different path. There is no winners or losers, but I will tell you that I will burn brighter than any flame because..I have a lot of things worth protecting. I will burn brighter than you, because I believe in myself and my friends. I'm am Miyuki!!" I yell as I walk up to them both and let myself fall into them as water splashes into them as they stare at me shocked.

I grasp their arms and pull them out as our clothes drip with water. "I mistrusted you both but I have to have a burning faith for you both. My world began with you both so must apologise for losing my faith but never again will I let my faith fade away. Let's go home, come on" I say as I hold i hold out my hand as they stand shocked as Yuki smiles warmly and ignores my hand and hugs my neck as she says "Yeah let's go to our home...Thank you onee-chan" my eyes soften and I move closer to her and hold her tightly.

"Come on you two!! We must get back before we freeze to death!" I exclaim as I continue to walk as they follow behind. Large cold hands grasp mine as they pull me to as stop. I look at Kaname's tired eyes as he smiles at me and holds my cheek tenderly. "You are wonderful...The world doesn't deserve to see your beauty. Your my burning flame...Thank you for staying with me..Even with my selfish attitude. Your my burning flame, now shine brightly with your beauty within inside you.."

I hold his hand and smile widely as I hold his cheek as he closes his eyes and moves closer to my warm palm. "You also have a burning flame, but your fading. I will share my feelings with you, I won't let you fade away. So don't give up have faith, now let's go. Kaname...You are also wonderful.." I say as I feel heat rising to my place cheeks as Kaname opens his eyes and smiles softly as his eyes shine brightly under the sun.

"It's because of you that I can see the world with a new hope for the future. Thank you, Miyuki" he says as we continue to walk as Zero and Yuki watch us with amused smiles as we talk with each other. I no longer feel stronger and lighter. I stop as I see the sun going down, I look at the endless beauty of this world and smile. Shizuka..I changed, because today I became a new burning flame. A new burning hope.

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