Chapter 9~ Days Without Seeing Them

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

" Miyuki-san you are to eliminate this pureblood and his servants, now do you job " the vampire girl said and pushed me towards the Pureblood and his servants.

His servants growled and the Pureblood chuckled darkly, I gulped and got in my stance and pulled out Crescent Rose. I was scared, I want to see my friends I want be safe in their arms, I want to see kaname.

" your afraid, and now your gonna die as a failure because you are weak because of your friends " he said and I glared at him and yelled back " it's no sin to have friends, they are the ones that make me strong "

He glared and his servants came lunging at me, I stepped back but kept my ground and eliminated his servants easily. No please no. Right in front of me was Yuki being devoured by that pureblood.

She was crying and in pain, " Miyu-chan why couldn't you save me " she said in pain as tears rolled down her reddish brown eyes. My eyes watered with tears as I saw my beautiful twin being devoured by that pureblood.

" you are weak, when you humans lose the things you love you become weak, you will lose " he said and brought his hand up to kill me. His shocked face surprised me as I showed up behind him. " I WILL NOT LOSE " I yelled and kicked him.

I shows up in front of him and brought my katana up and scratched his shoulder and he hissed in pain. " I won't let your illusions get to me. I will protect my twin sister and friends and family " I ran behind him and punched him.

My hair flowed in the wind and I opened my right eye to see better. " your right eye, it's silver " he said in shock and I yelled in pain as he kicked me in the stomach and I hit the solid wall. I grunted in pain but got up.

I didn't feel anymore pain as I felt my body become stronger with power. I got up and smirked and showed up behind him and punched his face. I got Crescent Rose and it turned into my scythe and tackled him to the ground.

" yours eyes they change colors, who are you " he said with fear. " you have taken so many lives, it ends now. But I'm glad I was able to become stronger because of you " I said.

" wait you don't understand " he said but he turned into crystals as I took his life. I catched my breath as the vampire girl came in clapping her hands and said " well done, you did well but you still have to eliminate more vampires "

I nodded and asked " what did he do wrong " she looked at me and said " nothing he was of no use so we wanted you to end his life and kill his family as well " I looked at her and my mind went blank.

I just killed a innocent man and his family, the girl had left and I fell to the floor as tears rolled don my cheeks. What kind of person am I to take his life.

No, the Senate they are cruel. My hair covered my right eye again. I will do their work cause I know they will threaten me. I want to see father, zero,yuki. I want to see kaname. I want to see them.

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