Chapter 6~ Trip To The Town

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

" Yori please " I begged me and Yuki's best friend, you see I had juice in my hands and accidentally spilled it on her uniform so she hit me and took my lovely weapon Crescent Rose.

" please Yori I'll do anything " I begged again. You see if she cuts herself poison will be injected inside her body. She looked at me and said " only if you go to town and get me some sweets " my eyes sparkled and I nodded.

" I'll get you the best, I promise " I said and she gave me back Crescent Rose and I hugged her tightly. I got my cloak and put it on. I decided to drag Senri and Rima along for fun.

I walked into their class and scanned the room but my eyes landed on reddish brown eyes instead and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I shook my head and found the two vampires. I cheerfully walked over to them and tried to convince them.

' tried '
I hugged them and said " you know guys I really love you, your my best friends " they looked at me with those poker faces. Rima looked at me suspiciously and said " what's the catch " I mentally face palmed and said " Yori asked me to go to town to get her some stuff, wanna join your best friend "

" that's too much trouble " senri said and then they went back to eating more pocky. I got an idea and said " I'll buy your more pocky " they both got up and at the same time said " Let's Go " I smiled.

I finished getting everyone sweets and I saw Senri and Rima " thank you guys so much " I said and hugged them both and they returned the hug. " I'll meet you back at the academy "

They looked at me with worry and senri said " are you sure " I gave them a reassuring smile and rima said " if there's trouble just run " I nodded and said " I was trained by the best " I gave them a last hug before giving going for a walk.

As I was walking as a little boy crying on the bench, I walked over to him in worry and said " little boy are you okay, do you need any help?" The boy looked at me with his red and blue eyes.

He hugged me and said " I dropped my candy " I picked him up and kissed his cheek and gave him a box of chocolates. " now show that sweet smile " I saw him blush and he gave me a sweet smile.

" now let's go find your mommy " I said and he nodded, as we talked I learned that his name was Shido. " you know I really like you Missy " he said and I gave him a sweet smile. " SHIDO " I heard a women yell and he let go of my hand ran to a women.

" mommy's look this beautiful lady helped me and gave me chocolates " he said and hugged the women and she thanked me. " see you buddy " I said and waved at him as I walking away I saw his eyes glow and he smirked.

I ignored it and started walking to the cherry blossom tree when I got their the moon was shining on it and it looked so beautiful. I started humming a song that's stuck in my head. I saw a women who looked like me but then she vanished.

" such a beautiful night " I whispered, I heard footsteps and I quiet voice say " we meet again, Miyuki " I turned and saw that women with silver hair and her light pink eyes. I smiled at her and nodded.

" you know I never asked your name " I asked and she smiled faintly and said " I'm Shizuka Hio " I stretched my hand to shake hers and said " its nice to meet you and I hope we can continue to be friends from now on " she shakes my hand and smiled.

As we talked I learned she was a pureblood, but I had to leave cause I had to patrol the night class today. " well Shizuka thank you for being here with me " I said and she pulled me into a hug and she said in a whisper " stop being too kind to everyone, but if that's what you want protect your treasured friends till the end and I'll protect you "

" thank you for caring about me " I said and walked back to the academy. When I got their I got the candy for everyone and walked into their class. " everyone I bought you all sweets " I said and they seemed to look happy.

As I passed out the sweets I got to kaname but I hesitated and my heart beats faster. But I got my courage and walked up to him and gave him a smile and said " thank you for saving us that night, with out you I wouldn't be able to meet such amazing people " I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.

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