Chapter 19~ Make It Stop

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

"Miyuki, you will be help guard a gathering of vampires this evening with Zero" Headmaster said with a serious gaze as I nod barely listening. I turn and walk away as soon as he dismissed us.

I walk around the academy as I remember last night's events as I blush and touch my lips and remember the feeling of Kaname's lips against mine as our hands where intertwined. Yuki's smiling face came to mind as I sign. I'm such a horrible sister.

A hand touched my shoulder as I jumped and look into lilac colored eyes. "Z-Zero!!! You scared me" I say letting out a breath, he studies me as he touches my cheek and my eyes widen. He leans down as I blush "You've been so distant, I've missed you. You made me Worry" he says as he looked sadly at me.

"Zero....I.. I've missed your touch, I'm just so confused. But knowing that you care about me makes me feel important" I say and smile at him as he pulls me to his chest and hugs me tightly. I smile and return the hug as we stay like this.

I am standing next to Zero looking over the crowd of vampires as I stay on my guard. I am wearing a simple maroon colored dress that goes down to my knees as my hair was pulled back to a ponytail.

"You look tense" Hanabusa says as he stands next to me as I playfully glare at him as I say "Well I am a guardian, I must be serious" he ruffled my hair as I gasp and hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Oh you little butthole" I say as we laugh until everyone starts kneeling down.

I look down confused until Kaname's gaze finds mine as I look away quickly. "Why is Kuran watching you like that" Zero whispers into my ear as I jump in shock. "H-How should I know?" He rolls his eyes at me as I'm looking around.

My eyes land on a brunette with her large brown eyes as she stares at Kaname. Yuki? What is she doing here!? She runs off as I look around and follow her.  I stop when I see a small boy with mismatched eyes, I become memorized by his eyes that I just stare. He smirks as I notice I was caught and I blush, he walks up to me and smiles. "Onee-chan, can you help me" he says holding my hand.

I kneel down to his level and say "What's up, buddy?" I smile as tears pool around his eyes. "I can't find my mommy!! I'm really scared" he says and starts crying softly. I hug him and wipe the tears away and smile "Hey, don't cry. It'll be alright, I'll be right here for you. I promise I'll help you" I say as he wipes his tears and smiles.

"Onee-chan, your very kind. You promise you'll never leave me" he asks as I smile and say "That's right, now let's go find your mother" he giggles and runs off as I try keeping up. "H-Hey wait up!!!" I call after him as I see him go behind curtains. I see him standing in front of a slightly open door. I walk up to him and was about to speak but he brought his finger up to his lips.

"Of course, I'll do anything for you Lord Kaname" a familiar feminine voice says as I look at the creak and see Yuki and Kaname hugging each other. My eyes widen as my body freezes. Her body shakes as she starts crying.

Of course.... Kaname only see's Yuki, I was just a waste of time. Everything we shared was nothing, but... I don't want it to be nothing. I close my eyes as I try controlling my tears, I look back up and see Kaname licking her neck. "Yuki....Will you become a vampire" he says as my eyes widen as I gasp. His head turns to the door.

A small hand holds mine as I look down at the mismatched eyes. He brought me here, why? I turn towards him as the doors swing open. "Miyuki...What are you doing?" Yuki ask as I look at Kaname. His eyes burn into mine as I grip my fist as I look down in shame and.... Rejection. "Onee-chan, let go of your feelings" the boy says and pulls me down and kisses my cheek. I gasp as my chest burns and I fall to the floor.

"Miyuki!! What's wrong" Yuki yells as I gasp in pain while gripping my chest tightly. Kaname kneels in front of me as he tries touching me "Don't Touch Me!!!" I scream as I pull out my weapon as my vision becomes blurry. "Your horrible, I hate you so much. This was all just a game to you, wasn't it!!" I yell as tears pour down my cheeks as I glare at Kaname. "Miyuki......No-" he tries talking but I shake my head and yell "I don't want to hear it. Everything I felt for you was just a game for you I was so stupid to think I had a chance. I hate you"

"Miyuki, let me help you. But first step away from that child" Kaname says as he steps forward as I point the tip of my Katana towards him. "Stay away from us, if you hurt my friend then I'll never forgive you." I yell as my hands start shaking. Cold hands hold my shaking shoulders as they whisper in my ear "It's alright, Miyuki. I'm here, just focus on me."

Zero holds me as I lower my weapon and start sobbing my eyes out. "Now I need you to calm down..." He says but my head starts burning as I cry. "There's nothing left for me here, every where I go is filled with memories with pain and misery. What am I supposed to do now!!! I'm just a puppet used for others pleasures. I can't even- There's nothing left for me!!" I sob into his chest.

I fall to the ground gripping his shirt as I sob, memories flash through my mind as it pounds in pain. "No,No. I can't. I can't. I- I can't.....I can't. It hurts. It hurts, just make it stop. Please make it stop, it hurts......." I cry as I look out the window. My eyes.... There red I scream as I push Zero off me, I scramble to my feet as I run towards an empty room, there was a balcony as I run towards it.

I feel the cool air hit my face as I balance myself on the railings. "Miyuki don't" Yuki cries as I look at the three of their worried faces, I then look at the ground I would soon hit. "There's nothing left for me, Yuki. You will all be so much happier without me, I should've never been born!!!" I yell as I step back and fall towards the ground.

The cool air calms my body as I close my eyes awaiting my death. At least I'll be able to finally fall asleep.....For all eternity. Humans will wither away all alone without others. This is fine... In the end I was never meant to be happy....

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