Chapter 4~ Rice Curry

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I was currently practicing outside right now, I ran at full speed at the tree and kept swinging my katana at it and stopped and put my weapon in it's shield.

I looked at the tree and it started to fall apart, I smiled in satisfaction but then frowned when I saw Yuki and Kaname together smiling and laughing. I looked away and signed.

" onee-chan, why do you always train " Yuki came up to me and I put on a smile and said " so, I can be strong and stay that way " she frowned a little, " Miyuki, please don't push yourself " kaname said and I blushed and nodded.

Yuki looked a little upset and looked away, " Miyuki, your hair is so long and beautiful. If you cut it you'll be as beautiful as Yuki " kaname said and grabbed a piece of my hair. I frowned and felt anger fill my heart.

" excuse me, please " I said and went behind a tree and frowned in frustration and punched the tree. My knuckles hurt and I hated how he compared me to Yuki.

" Miyuki-chan...... " Yuki said in worry and I walked back to them and Yuki looked worried I hid my hand behind my back and laughed nervously. " look at the tree.... More importantly look at your hand " she yelled and I looked at the poor tree that had a huge dent in it

I looked at my bleeding knuckles and saw kaname's eyes flash red and I stepped back in fear. I grabbed Yuki's hand and ran back to our house. As we entered I saw zero with a worried expression.

I walked to his room and he followed and shut the door, I sat on his bed and saw his eyes flash red. I knew he was suffering and pulled him to the bed and got on top of him.

" zero I'll ease your suffering " I said and pulled my hand to his mouth, he tried pushing me off but I was stronger than him and pushed him down. He finally licked my hand and his eyes widened while turning a bright crimson red.

He flipped us over and pushed me down and licked my neck and bit into my neck and drank my blood. I felt disgusted but I'm doing this to help zero. Zero is my older brother and he loves yuki, but she's too naive to even know his feelings.

I gripped his shirt and pushed him off, " zero, I'll gladly allow you to drink my blood to help you " I said and kissed his cheek and hugged my older brother. Yuki my adorable twin sister why must you be so naive.

I let go him and gave him one of my real smiles and said " let's go zero, I'll be cooking today " he smiled and followed me outside to help me cook

I looked at my reflection and saw a women with a man smiling at me and I opened my left eye and I saw two girls and a boy smiling at them. I closed my left eye and went to begin dinner with my family.

" Miyu-chan, as always your cooking is the best " headmaster said , " thank you, father " I said and smiled and cried in happiness. " I guess I made too much " I said and got an Idea.

I walked to the moon dorms and walked into their classes and said " hey I brought something for all of you too eat" hanabusa smiled and ran to me and asked " what is it " I giggled and said " rice curry " senri and rima heard and where their in a flash.

They all began eating and takuma smiled in satisfaction and said " your cooking is always the best, you should cook for us " I smiled and nodded. Senri and rima gave me pocky and said " thank you " they blushed and I smiled in happiness and hugged them.

I finally realized something and said " I'm truly happy being able to be with all of you and being able to create beautiful memories. I want to protect this beautiful place more than anything " everybody looked at me with so much happiness and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged all of them back " this proves that humans and monsters can live in peace together, this is truly beautiful "

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