Chapter 2~ Vampires

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I walk out of my dorms and see the sun rising, I walk to the headmaster's office and walk in to see the man that took care of me all these years.

" Miyu-chan you finally arrived " he said and hugged me and I giggled. He let go and got serious and sat back down. " Miyuki I would like you too go to the town and look for this vampire and level E " he said and handed me a picture.

I nodded and he continued " I need you to eliminate the level E and leave the other vampire alone, but observe his skills " I got out Crescent Rose and asked " how long will it take "

" about a day or two " he said and got up and hugged me and said " be careful my daughter " I hugged him back and said " I will, I love you all daddy " I walked out and made my way to the town.

I saw the night class and smiled at them, senri threw something and I caught it and saw a pocky box. " for your trip " he said I smiled and said " I love you all so dearly " I hugged them all and was about to walk off.

Kaname grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest and whispered " please come back " I smiled and promised him but walked off with confidence.

I walked into the town and looked around for awhile, and started walking around for a minute. I ended up near a cherry blossom tree and thought off kaname and blushed but remembered my goal for Yuki.

I heard a bell and petals started blooming, it looked so beautiful. I smiled and listen to the beautiful breeze until a quiet voice said " beautiful isn't " i turned around and saw a woman a little older who had silver-white hair and a unusual eye color that resembles the colors of the cherry blossoms.

I smiled and said " very much, I love seeing beautiful things like this " she stared at me for awhile and said " you should go, a vampire is here and I wouldn't want you to get hurt " I looked at her with wide eyes.

" this is my job to eliminate the enemy but if I die then my life wasn't so bad, I was able to be with them and fall in love so that's more than enough " I said and smiled to myself and felt her stoke my hair and said " you are such a kind girl, we'll meet again soon " she disappeared and I smiled at her kindness.

My smiled vanished when I heard growling and laughing and saw to pairs of crimson red eyes. I took out my weapon and got in a fighting stance. Out came the level E but the other vampire stood hidden.

I threw my chains from my katana and it hit level E and I jumped in the air grabbing the branch of the tree and pulled myself up. The level E jumped up and tried scratching me but failed and I kicked it in the stomach sending it flying down to the floor.

I jumped down and landed on his stomach and he screamed in pain. I started seeing blood everywhere and Yuki and saw the other vampire smirking. He's messing with my head!!

The level E scratched my face and I screamed in pain and my eyes widened. I saw a strong light trying to hit me but I moved out of the way but felt the burning hot heat from it. I looked at the other vampire and was surprised to see him aiming at me.

I got up quickly and hit the level E and stabbed it turning him to ashes and ran. This vampire can kill me if he gets me. I ran but felt myself being lifted up and saw the vampire with those burning red eyes and his pitch black hair.

He threw me against a wall and I coughed up blood and he threw me at a tree. I reacted fast and used the chain attached to my Katana to wrap around a tree branch and stopped from hitting the tree.

" stupid human " he said with venom and felt that same heat barely hit me but I felt blood drip down my thigh. I started running but felt him grab my hair and trow me against the ground and the pain spread through my body.

He started walking towards the direction of Cross Academy and I stayed there paralyzed. If he enters cross academy everyone will die.

No I won't let him, I tried getting up and looked at him with determination and I wasn't gonna let him destroy the place and people I love the most.

Painful Love ( Vampire Knight Fan-fic )Where stories live. Discover now