Chapter 22~ We Can Do This

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(Miyuki p.o.v )

He betrayed me....He turned my twin sister and took her from me. The cold breeze made me shiver as I stared blankly at the place the man who took my heart once was. My whole world started with him, but he chose to end it here leaving me alone. No... I don't want this to end. This is where I'm supposed to find him and make him understand but my heart hurts so much, I just want to give up. My eyes blurred with tears as my hands shook as I breathed in harshly. It hurts so much, I want to give up.

A warm but yet touch gripped my shoulder almost as they weren't here. ' Don't give up, I will give you the strength to hold on. Don't give up, have faith' Shizuka's familiar voice whispered into my ear as the breeze blew harder as I turned my head in surprise as her light pink eyes stared at me softly as she smiled as I blinked and she disappeared. I looked up at the sky and saw the stars sparkle brightly as the moon shone brightly as I gripped my fist and turned and ran down the stairs. Running with my bare feet I stumbled a bit but kept running to me and Yuki's shared room.

I bust through the door as my eyes meet large brown ones as they look at me fearfully as I breathe harshly. "Onee-chan, don't come any closer!" She yells as the walls crack as I step forward as her eyes widen. "NO!" She screams as glass breaks and scratches my hand as I flinch in pain but look at her with determined eyes and hug her. Her body tenses up as I say "Please... Don't go" Yuki breathes in harshly as my back hits the floor harshly as I gasp in pain. Yuki hovers over me as her glowing eyes look at me with hunger as my eyes widen in fear. "Yuki..." I whisper as I try pushing her off but she holds my hands tightly to the floor as she licks my neck as I hold my breath. Tears stung my eyes as I say "Yuki.. Please stop" the door opens as Yuki is pulled from me as Kaname stares at me fearfully.

I hold my neck as Yuki is looking at me with hunger as she struggles against Kaname's grip. My tears fall down my cheeks as Yuki regains control and looks at me with guilt as she drops her head in shame. The walls shake as I scramble to my feet and run. She's coming, there's no escape. Everywhere you go will only be filled with agony and despair, we can't escape. We're all alone.. I sob as I continue to run.

I stop when I see Rima and Senri up ahead, I wipe my tears as I run towards them but Rima jumps back as blood whip misses her and scraped my shoulder. I cry in pain as blood covers my hand as their head snap towards me. "S-Senri! What are..You Doing?" I question as I look up at his now mismatched eyes that are filled with excitement. "How dare you harm my friend, you fool" Rima spits out in anger as she holds me tightly when her hands aim for Senri when I look at Takuma's shocked face. "No! Rima Don't hurt him. He's our friend please don't fight" I say as I hold her arm as she looks at me with worry. "Foolish Juri, your still the same. So naive and kind, I've missed you so much Juri" Senri says as he laughs.

"I want you, Juri. I've been waiting for you, I'll have you in my arms finally" he says as he aims his finger at me as Takuma steps forward as my eyes widen. Rima pushes me away as it barely misses her heart as Takuma rushes to her side and holds her. She shakes as she yells "Senri you idiot! You should learn to love yourself more!" I jump to my feet and engulf him in a hug. "Senri, please come back to us. We need you, Rima needs you. Senri.. I love you" I say as he grunts in pain as his cold hands wrap around me "Always so dramatic, but I also love you too. Thank you" he says softly as I look at him smiling softly then we look at Rima who is unconscious.

We arrive at the night dorms as Seiren immediately helps me with my shoulder as memories everything that's happened so far comes rushing back to me. Yuki, she tried to devour me. Ruka grips my hand as I look up at her soft eyes as I whisper "It's all my fault.." tears blur my vision as I say "I could've stopped all of this, I told myself I would never let the flame inside me burn out but I gave up. This is all my fault" I wipe my eyes quickly as Seiren speaks up "It's not your fault, Yuki was always a pureblood. You tried your hardest to let her see the world through human eyes and you prepared her to find her own flame and now she shines brightly because of you. It's not your fault, Miyuki"

"Seiren is right, Yuki has lived her life as a human and now she will use the strength you gave her to find a new future. So don't feel bad and keep your head up." Ruka says as my tears spilled down my face as I hug Ruka and Seiren and cry harder as I breathe in harshly. Seiren pulled away and wiped my tears as she said "Everything will be alright, because I would do anything, be anything to protect you. A friend, a protector. But I will protect you, Miyuki" is smiled and said "Your finally calling me by just my name. That makes me so happy, Seiren. Thank you" the doors opened as Aidou and Akatsuki walked in as they looked up at me.

"Miyuki, What's happening?" Hanabusa asks as I raise to my feet. "I'm not sure, but I will protect my family and home" I say as I pull my hair up and move my hair from my eyes as they all watch me closely. "So you've finally accepted your choices" Akatsuki says with a smile as I nod with a smirk "Yes. You all showed me how much strength I have and how much I can burn and grow. If I'm with all of you then everything will be alright" they all smile as I they nod in unison.

"Your very dramatic but I will fight with you" Senri's monotone voice echoes throughout the night dorms and we all look up at Senri, Takuma, and Rima. "That's right, we can all accomplish anything because we're all together. Isn't that right, Miyuki!" Takuma says while holding Rima and Senri's shoulders as I nod. Rima smirks and says "Besides I really want to kick that old mans worthless butt for harming a models face and body"

The doors swing open as a strong cold breeze made us tense up but we held our ground. Those same cold yet warm hands gripped my warm ones as Shizuka's voice whispered into my ear ' You did it! Now Miyuki shine brighter than any flame and you will be able to find yourself. You can all do this, protect the future!' my eyes looked over everybody's as they all smiled at me awaiting for me as I said "We can do this. We will protect our home!"

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