Chapter 10~ A Funny Welcome

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

It had been 2 weeks and I was finally allowed to go back to My home, Cross Academy. Finally I can't wait to get away from these monsters who made me kill innocent people.

The Senate where horrible people, the were so sadistic. I can't believe I trusted them, they even made me into a blood bank for a thirsty vampire. My eyes sparkled in joy as I saw cross academy and got of the car.

I got my bags and went to my dorm, I then walked to Yuki's dorm and knocked on her dorm room. I was surprised to hear nothing. I opened her unlocked door and saw Yuki's and Yori's bed empty.

Huh? I wonder where they are, oh yes I can see Father. I walked to his office and knocked on the door to hear a very cheerful voice " Come in~ " I giggled and opened the door and said " I'm back, father "

" Miyuki!! " I heard to voices, I looked around and saw my father, my adorable little twin, and a girl with grayish purple hair. She looked at me for a long time and then smiled softly.

I smiled back, and She looked at me then Yuki and said " umm why is there two Yuki's " she looked confused and Father Burt's out laughing, and the girl blushed in embarrassment. " Father!! No me and Yuki are twins, but my name is Miyuki cross . it's nice to meet you and I hope we can be great friends "

" Friends? " she muttered and I smiled softly and said " yep, because everyone here in cross academy are my friends and I love them very dearly " she blushed and smiled at me. " Onee-chan, your finally back " Yuki squealed and hugged me tightly.

I smiled and noticed the bandage on her neck, I looked back at her and hugged her tightly " aww~ my adorable twin I missed you " I said and she laughed and father interrupted us. " Did you miss me too " he said as he had puppy eyes.

" how could I not miss my only Father " I said and hugged him tightly and he giggled in a high pitch voice. I laughed at his childish side and he said " This our new night class student, Maria Kureni. I would like you to take her to the Night class " I nodded and grabbed her hand and said " let's go, friend "

She smiled and nodded, we all walked to the night dorms and I said " I hope you like it here, I would love to be friends with you and make wonderful memories " she grabbed my hand and we stopped walking " Your too kind, at this wait it will break you. But your not the type to ever break " She said in a more serious voice but then smiled.

I smiled back and said " Hey imouto-chan, was it fun preparing for the dance " she sweat dropped and said " I kinda skipped out " I laughed and said " Maria you should definitely come with me and Yuki to find a dress, you'll look so stunning "

She blushed and said " You will look as beautiful as your mother, you'll be so graceful " how does she know my mother!!?? We arrived at the night class just as I was about to ask her about my mother.

" Yuki, you can rest for today. You need it I'll help her from now on " I said and she hugged me and said " thank you, onee-chan " she walked off and I smiled at her. I was about to open the door until Maria stopped me.

" Your love for everyone will never die out, I hope that never ends for me too " she said and I hugged her and said " Never, because you are my important friend and could never bear to lose any of you, now let's meet your new friends "

She smiled and I grabbed her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze and I opened the door. " We have a new student " everything was quiet until Hanabusa tackled me " Miyu-chan, I missed you so much " he said and I giggled and said " I missed all of you so much "

Ruka hugged me and Akatsuki patted my head, and Senri and Rima gave me a pocky and hugged me. I looked Seiren who was Blushing and I Hugged her tightly. " The Hell are you " I heard hanabusa.

I turned and saw Maria smirking and she said " The Hell?? Who do you think your talking to " I walked up to them and said " This is very good friend and new student, Maria Kureni " everyone's eyes widened.

" Miyuki, how do you she's showing you her real side " I heard that voice I've been yearning to hear. I turn my head and I feel a blush dusting my cheeks and I defended Maria and said " Maria is my friend and I believe that she is very kind and sweet "

" Miyuki, That's what you believe of everything, unfortunately the real world isn't like that " he said and I felt a large hand on my shoulder and I saw silver-white hair. I smiled and said " That's why where here, to make it better. To help people and make life worth living "

" I think it's time for us to patrol " that familiar deep voice said. I smiled and said " Have a Good night see you all tomorrow " I said and walked out with zero. We walked in since until he stopped and suddenly hugged me tightly.

He kissed my cheek and said " I was so worried, because you smelled like those creatures. I'm so happy to see you" I smiled and hugged him back and said " I was happy to see you and everyone "

" This was a funny welcome " I said as I giggled. He hugged me tighter and I felt his soft lips on mine and I closed my eyes slowly. I've grown to like my child hood friend

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