Chapter 12~ Thank You Maria

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

" Yori do you want to come with us " I asked me and Yuki's best friend. She looked at me and shook her " I have to study, and plus Yuki already got a dress from Kaname "

I was shocked and said " oh really, then I'll just go with Maria " she nodded and she said " be careful, bye " I waved and walked out to ask Yuki about the dress.

I knocked on the bathroom door and waited for a answer but I just opened the door and see Yuki cover up her neck quickly. I narrowed my eye and grabbed her wrist and saw two bite marks. " O-onee-chan, what are you doing " she stuttered.

" Yuki, you let zero drink your blood " I yelled and felt my anger rise and she yelled back " you have been doing it for years and your telling me not to do it " she pulled her hand away and I said " I did it because I loved him and I loved you too much to even let him drink your blood "

She pushed me and ran out the door, I sighed and walked towards the night dorms. I heard whispering and see kaname and Yuki. He was hugging her and she kissed him. My body froze and I felt a strong pain in my chest.

' I love you, Miyuki. That's why where gonna be like mom and dad when we grow up ' my body shook and I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Maria glaring at Yuki and Kaname. Tears formed in my eyes and grabbed her hand and said " Oh Maria I didn't see you there let's go shopping "

She smiled sadly and followed me, it was quiet for a while but I decided to break the tension. " Maria, I can't wait to see your dress. You'll look absolutely wonderful " I said and she giggled and blushed.

We arrived to the shop and for and hour we where trying several dresses and having fun like normal humans would do. She was currently wearing a purple dress that went up to her mid thigh and I had a more Victorian red dress.

We both looked great, " I wish these days could last forever, where we're able too just be normal and have fun. I knew that even vampires where just as normal as us humans " I said and smiled at Maria and she moved my bangs from my right eye

" Yes, I was happy to be here. I wish things didn't have to end the way they have too. Thank you for letting me feel happy and normal " she said and hugged me. It sounded like she was saying goodbye.

" Maria, I'm happy to be friends with you. Your all my important friends, I want to continue to have adventures with all of you " I said and stroked her hair softly, she smiled and we payed for our dresses and walked back to Cross Academy.

She was holding my hand like it would be the last time, she started talking and said " Miyuki, I'm so happy to have met you. I hope next time I'm reborn I could see you again, Truly thank you so much " I stopped walking and she turned around and her eyes widened.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away, " I'm fine. Don't worry, I just got something in my eye " I said while making up a lie. She hugged me and said " stop lying, your my friends and I want to help you. " I hugged her tightly.

" W-why? I love kaname but...he only thinks of Yuki, Maria why are you looking at me like this will be the last time I see you. I... Don't want t-to lose any of you, please don't go. I- love you all so much " I cried into to her arms.

Her grip on me tightened as I felt tears on my shoulder and looked up to see Maria crying softly. " Miyu-chan, you where my...first friend, I'm so happy. I will always be with you. Thank you " she said and hugged me tighter and I smiled and sniffled again.

" N-no Maria, Thank you for being my precious friend " I said and we walked to our dorms. She waved goodbye and I said " Goodbye, my precious friend "

I walked to my dorm and looked at the moon, please keep Maria safe. I know that she is Shizuka Hio, but please she's my friend. Thank you Maria and Shizuka for being my important friends.

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