Chapter 18~ My Princess

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

Those same reddish brown eyes look at me softly as his large hands stroke my cheek lovingly. I yearn for Kaname to touch me like this....

Your foolish, this isn't a game. You can never escape a vampires gaze. Yes I know, the only person he looks at is Yuki. He can never love me, but I don't want that. Love had the power to defeat any obstacle but it can also be so destructive. I watch as he let's go and his warmth disappears as he turns his back away from me, Yuki is at his side as they look at each other with love and affection.

They have a future and....Your not apart of it, we can change that and become.......A vampire!! They lean closer to each other and share a kiss as I cry "Stop...please. Stop!!" I yell as they walk away as I reach out but everything darkens and I'm devoured by the darkness. "Your mine, and no one can take you away from me. I'm the only one you need" his deep voice echoed as mismatched eyes stared into my reddish brown one.

He strokes my cheek with his ice cold hand as I shake in fear. He chuckles and it echoed as he moves closer and holds my waist tightly as touches every bit of my body as I feel tears stream down my cheeks as he says "Now your finally mine, Juri" my eyes widen as his fangs scrape along my neck as he smirks and violently plunges his fangs into me.....

"NO!!!!" I yelp as I sit up and touch my neck as I breathe in violently. "Ms. Cross, Is something wrong?" The teacher's voice echoed in my head as I look up and see those mismatched eyes. I gasp and shake in fear, I raise from my seat and run out quickly. I ignore the constant yelling of my name as I continue to run.

You can't keep running forever, You know one day he'll find you. That voice echoed throughout my mind as I gasp for air and stumble to the hard floor. The pain spreads as I grip my fist tightly. I raise to my feet and run again.

I see the doors to the night dorms and I look at them and barge in. Your afraid, we can't do this. Let's give up.. the voice echoes again as I groan in annoyance as tears pool around my eyes as I sob. "I'm scared..." I cry as I hear footsteps and see Ruka's confused face.

"Miyuki? What has happened to you?" She asks as she sees my face as she walks towards me. I run into her and hold onto her as I sob loudly. "R-Ruka, I'm..Just so scared. Why... W-Why can't I be strong? He was here..He had his hands on me" I cry and cling onto her as she wraps her arms around me.

"It's alright now, I'm here. I'll always be here for you. He won't be able to touch you now" she says as she runs my back. Aido pats my back as they all surround me and comfort me as much as possible. "Don't worry, we'll beat him up for you. But right now we want to help you, Miyu-chan" Aido says and pats my back once again as Takuma says "Yes I have strategized a plan to ambush him"

"Wow! Takuma can use his brain for good?" Rima says as Senri replies "That's the first time he's made sense" I smile slightly as I wipe the tears and smile at them "I'm sorry, I promise you. I didn't mean to cause such a ruckus, having you all here makes me feel much safer" I say as footsteps echo throughout the building.

"What is going on here?" His deep voice says as his reddish brown eyes scan the room as they land on my puffy ones. They soften as he walks towards me and touches my cheek softly, my head throbs as my dream comes back to me. He's touching me just like before.

"Miyuki.....Please come with me" he says as I raise to my feet as his gaze is fixed on me as he takes my small hands into his and pulls me to him and picks me up bridal style. I gasp and flush red as I squirm in his arms as he takes me to his dorms without another word.

He lays me gently on his bed as he goes to the bathroom and returns back with a first aid kit.he kneels in front of me. I look down and see my scraped up knee as blood trickles from it, his hands gently wash off the blood. My eyes widen at his gentleness as I blush "Lord Kaname, please I can do this" I say shyly as he cleans it and I flinch as he says "Being able to do just this for you makes me feel like a Knight" I see a small pink tint before he goes back to fixing me up.

I grab his ching softly as our gazes meet as I say "Lord Kaname you will always be my Knight. Just like I will always be your loyal servant, I will never abandon you, Lord Kaname" we stare at each other as he stands and pushes me to the bed. I blush as he intertwines our hands together, my heart skips a beat as he leans towards me and whispers into my ear "Your my one and only princess, Miyuki"

I blush "I thought Yuki was your princess, I can never compare to her" I say without thinking. He looks at me intensely as I gasp and turn my face away from him in humiliation. I'm such a idiot. "And why is that" he says as I feel his breath against my ear as I shiver and close my eyes tightly.

"Lord Kaname.... I'm being foolish" I say with embarrassment as my face gets hotter. He pushes a strand of my hair from my face as he grips my chin and we look at each other. "Yuki is beautiful and fierce but you are my princess and you burn like a flame much bright than the sun and Moon. Your my irreplaceable princess" he says while his eyes swirl with love and his cheeks are tinted pink.

I blush harshly as my eyes soften "Lord Kaname, I want you to...I want you to continue to be my important person for all eternity. Your the only person that effects me this way, and I want you to be my Knight. Lord Kaname your my burning flame" I say as he smiles and kisses my forehead lovingly.

"As you wish, My Highness" he says as our bodies touch as he leans down closer to my lips as I blush. My lips find his as my eyes flutter close. Lord Kaname....I love you.

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