Chapter 24~ Broken Night

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( Kaname p.o.v )

Her tears fell down her pale cheeks as she screamed my name in agony, my heart throbbed in pain as I watched her chase after us. "Kaname!! Answer me!!" She screams as I we all watch in misery as Yuki shakes as she attempts to hold back her tears.

I look back at her and remember how she always ran to me, but now who is she gonna run to? She really is wonderful, my eyes soften as I see her determination. Miyuki.... Someone like you deserves better than this world, and even so you shine so brightly. I don't deserve you, I've tainted your innocence. You deserve someone better and I'm happy as long as I can see you happy. I really do love you and I hoped things could've been different, but no one deserves someone as wonderful as you. Farewell, Miyuki.

I smile sadly as I say "I love you" I watch as her figure gets smaller and another figure holds her as I clench my fist as I hear Yuki's small cries. "I'm so sorry, Onee-chan" Yuki whimpers over and over again as my heart is overwhelmed with regret. I look up with a pained expression as the car is filled with sorrow as I see everyone's pained faces as they all look down. "Miyuki.. poor Miyuki" Hanabusa mumbles as his hands grip his clothes as Ruka cries into Akatsuki's shoulder as he tries to contain his sadness.

This is for the best, she'll be so much happier without me in the picture. I'm doing this for her and she'll be able to live her life as a human just like Juri and Haruka wished for her. She'll be happy......."I don't want this.." Yuki starts crying uncontrollably as I reach for her and hug her tightly as she grips my coat in pain as she sobs and I'm reminded of how Miyuki used to hold me when we were children. This is for the best, remember that Kaname. Everything we do is for her, only for her....

( Miyuki p.o.v )

Only he would do this, unforgivable. He's just like them all, and you were naive enough to trust him. Pathetic. Helpless. Broken. Unlovable. My eyes hurt from the tears that kept falling and my head throbbed with pain as that same voice echoed through my mind in an effort to break me, and I'm not gonna lie I want to just disappear. Disappear, no. We can become something so much wonderful. We can become a vampire! I gripped my head in exhaustion as that same voice reminds me as I grip my hair and fall to the cold hard ground.

Ow, that hurt. I'm so stupid. I closed my eyes in exhaustion as I did and image of Yuki's face appeared as my eyes snapped open as I heard a familiar voice "Miyuki, I'm here" my eyes widened as I stared into this soft reddish brown eyes as his large hand wiped my violent tears as he smiled warmly at me. "Kaname...." I mumbled as his hands trailed down to brush my messy long hair as he said "What a shame. You could've been as Beautiful as Yuki, but here you are looking so pathetic. What a waste. I have no purpose here if your not Yuki.." my eyes widen as tears rolled down my cheeks as I got up as he started walking away.

I jumped up and yelled "No, don't leave me here. I can be, Yuki. Just watch I'll be a good girl just like Yuki" more tears fell as I grabbed my katana and brought it to my face. "Come back, please. I'll show you!!" I yell again as my hand shaked with false hope. I grip my hair and hold my katana as the door swings open and chunks fall to the floor as I smile. "I'm just like her, you see. Now... Come back" his face appears again as he smirks but then frowns and says "Your eye has to go. Please get rid of it, for me" I nodded a I pulled the katana to my right eye as someone screamed.

"Stop!! Miyuki No!!!" Yori screams as she knocks me down to the floor and holds my katana away as I scream in anger as I start crying and footsteps are heard. "No!! Why did you stop me!!" I cry as I crawl towards her as she steps back in fear as I see Zero's sad angered eyes as he holds my arm and headmaster cross holds my other as Zero yells "Miyuki, stop. Your hurting yourself!!" I shake my head as more tears fall down my cheeks as I sob "No!!! He told me too. He told me...." More fresh tears fall as I gasp in harshly as I see Seiren standing in front of me with Rima and Senri behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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