Chapter 13~ Kaname You Idiot

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

I was patrolling the grounds right now and heard talking, it sounded like, the night class, Yuki, and Zero. I walked to the source and saw everyone.

Zero was glaring at kaname and Yuki was trying to settle things. " ummm.... What's happening " I asked and everyone snapped their heads at me. " these blood leeches where about to go to class " zero said in annoyance.

Yuki glared at him and said " no, me and kaname where about to talk about our date " she looked at me while saying this a pang of jealousy hit me hard. But I smiled and said " really!!! Ohh Yuki and kaname sitting in a tree, K-I-S- " I was stopped when kaname said " are you always so annoying, Miyuki "

I felt hurt and stopped my talking and felt tears form in my eyes. " Lord kaname, how could you say that " Aidou said and I saw kaname glare at him. Kaname brought his hand up and my eyes widened when he hit Hanabusa. " Hanabusa!!!! " I yelled and everyone looked at him in worry.

Hanabusa fell to the floor and kneeled down to help him, I hugged him and started shaking " I'm so sorry, this was all my fault. I'm sorry " I said as my voice cracked and he hugged me calming me down.

I looked up at kaname and glared at him, " Kaname how could you do this " I yelled at him. He just looked down at me and said " because you and everyone else are nothing but pawns for my plan. I have no reason to worry " my eyes widened and everyone gasped.

" L-lord Kaname, how... " Ruka stuttered and she looked down. My bangs covered my eyes as they filled with tears. I got up and gripped Crimson Rose tightly, I felt anger, betrayal, hate, and sadness. " Is...that really...what you think about us " I said and gripped my weapon even harder.

" Back then..when we where younger..the feelings we shared...why can't you realize my feelings " I said and unsheathed my sword. I got ready to fight kaname and said " Kaname... You.......IDIOT!!! " I threw my sheath at him while he was dodging that I ran at him and punched him right in the face.

Everyone gasped and I felt tears fall down my cheeks, I heard yelling and whispering. I pushed my sword trying to hit him, but failed as he grabbed my wrist. I struggled against him and hit him in the chest. " Miyuki... Stop " he said and I started sobbing. " I....hate..Y-you, I..wish...I never...fell in love " I said between sobs.

I heard footsteps and kaname quickly backed off as soft small arms grabbed me before I fell. I looked up and saw Maria with a Katana glaring at kaname. I felt someone's hand on my head and looked up to see seiren. My vision started getting really dizzy and fuzzy.

" " I said and my eyelids got heavier and I slowly closed my eyes as I let the darkness consume me. Kaname you idiot.

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