Chapter 7~ Zero

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

God can they be any louder? I questioned myself as i heard the day class girls cry as we took their pictures of the night class. I wouldn't be surprised their all so beautiful and graceful.

I walked to the moon dorms to inspect them and I'm waiting for Yuki and Zero to arrive. I saw hanabusa crying on the floor as they took his ' collection'. I saw Yuki and Zero fall on the floor.

And zero yell something before running off and Yuki followed behind, " I'll come back " I said and opened the window. " wait you'll hurt yourself " Takuma said but I smiled and said " don't worry I'll bring both of them back " I jumped out and landed in a tree before jumping off.

I ran to the town trying to find zero and Yuki, damn it why did they have to come to town. I stopped running looking around until I saw a black uniform and short reddish brown hair. I saw Yuki running towards a abandoned part of town.

" Yuki " I yelled and ran toward her direction, I heard her scream and ran towards the Bell tower I saw her run towards. I ran up the stairs and opened the door and saw a little boy. " hey little boy what are you doing? " I said.

The boy turned around and I saw his red crimson eyes and he jumped towards me and I froze on my spot. I felt someone push me and saw Yuki on the floor with me. She protected me. " are you okay? " she asked with a shaky voice and I nodded.

I got up and pulled out my weapon and said " I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'll end your suffering " I swinged my katana towards him until he hit the Bell and I screamed in pain as my ear drums almost exploded.

I gripped my ears and stumbled backwards, I bumped into Yuki and I heard her scream " ahh- MIYUKI " I look back and see Yuki fall down the edge of the Bell tower. My eyes widened as I saw my twin fall the edge " YUKI " I screamed.

I ran towards her and jumped off grabbing the edge of the tower and grabbed her hand. I saw her terrified face and said " Yuki... Try..pulling yourself.. Up " I said as I struggled to keep holding onto Yuki and ledge.

She pulled herself back and I screamed " ahhh-mmmm " I quieted myself and stopped when I heard the boy laugh evilly. " what a sad creature you have become " I heard the most manliest voice. I see kaname looking at the boy with pity. I whimper again as Yuki starts getting up, I feel her grab the ledge and see kaname pull her up.

I smile as I see kaname start stretching his hand, " thank you " I felt my hand slip as I saw kaname try to grab my hand as I saw his shocked face. " Miyuki " Yuki yelled and I felt the air run threw my face.

I felt afraid as I was about to hit the floor, I waited for the impact but I felt nothing but strong arms wrapped around me as I fell on the floor with someone blocking the fall for me.

I stayed frozen for a while until I panicked and looked up to see zero. " z-zero, oh my are you okay " I said as I got up and checked him until I felt him hug me. " please don't do something as reckless as hanging off the ledge of a tower , I can't lose you too " I blushed at his words.

" zero..i- uh thank you so much " i said as I hugged him back. " Miyuki " I heard yuki yell and I looked and saw her stop running and I saw a emotion flash threw her reddish brown eyes. " Yuki are you okay " I asked but she just walked past me.

When we got back to the Academy I waited for kaname too stop walking and he looked at me and he showed up before me and gave me a death hug. " I'm sorry I couldn't catch you '' he said, I blushed at his action and I hugged him and said " no, thank you for coming to save my twin. And that's more than enough " I smiled and he kissed my cheek as my face went red.

He looked towards the day class dorms, he then disappeared and that meant trouble and since I'm not a vampire I can't just magically disappear, so I ran to the day class dorms.

When I got their I saw zero licking his bloody hand and Yuki holding her neck where zero bit her. I saw zero try to grab Yuki but I tackled him to the ground. " zero stop please " I whispered.

" what a pathetic monster you have become, zero Kiryu " I heard kaname say in venom. And I glared at kaname and said " kaname stop " I saw kaname look at me with hatred and I knew that this was gonna be a long time.

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