Chapter 8~ Kiss From The Vampire

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( Miyuki p.o.v )

Kaname glared at zero and zero glared at kaname. Me and Yuki were in the middle until she fell on the floor from blood loss.

" Yuki! " I yelled in panic as I tried to pick her up, I should be able to pick her up. I did it! Wait I don't have long arms. I look up and see kaname carrying Yuki with ease.

" it's so sad that a leech like you loves Yuki " kaname said and zero looked down and I said " t-that doesn't matter, no matter what you are. Everyone should accept each other " kaname looked at me and he looked proud.

" a monster should've never fallen in love with a human" kaname said and zero growled and was about to attack kaname. I grabbed zero's face and brought to mine until I felt his soft lips that tasted of blood.

I felt my face become hot and my heart beating really fast. I let go and looked down and said " are all of you okay " zero blushed and nodded and I looked at kaname's angered reddish brown eyes.

His grip on Yuki tightened and he walked away, I looked at Zero's red face and said " zero....that was my first kiss" he cupped my cheek and said " mine too and I don't regret it "

My face went red and I said " m-me.. t-too " I smiled and hugged him and said " z-zero, why didn't you tell me about your thirst " his hands wrapped around me and he said " if I kept drinking from you I wouldn't be able to stop, who could ever stop. Your blood is just so sweet and warm "

I blushed and said " zero why is my heart beating so fast" he chuckled and said " come on, let's go to bed " I nodded and hold his hand in mine. We went into his dorm and I sat down and closed my eyes slowly.

Before I knew it I had swept into the eternal darkness.


A man and woman with reddish brown hair but their face are blurry. I saw kaname and Yuki grabbing their hands and smiling looking at me. I looked at my tiny hands and then at them.

I then looked at the shadow behind them and saw man with darker Brown hair and red and blue eyes smirking. he scared me but he looked lonely. " onee-chan come-on " Yuki said.

I saw smiles on the man and woman's face and I laughed and into their arms but instead the man with blue and red eyes grabbed me while chuckling darkly. I screamed until I saw Yuki with long hair like me with blood running down her chin

I look around and see everyone's dead bodies with bite marks on their necks. " Yuki...." I whispered and she looked up and i saw her sharp fangs and her crimson red eyes.

She smirked and ran at me and I cried and turned around running from her. I tripped over bodies and saw the night classes horrified face and head master cross. I screamed and felt hot warm tears run down my face.

I looked around and saw every person I cherished dead bodies. I cried and cried until I felt a great force hit me and sent me flying against a tree. I gasped from the pain and felt more tears fall down my face.

I brought out Crescent Rose and got up with it's help, Yuki showed up in front of me and started choking me, I started gasping for air and she said " it's your fault this happened, if only you were stronger " I felt tears roll down my cheeks and I kicked her in the stomach and she crashed into a brick wall.

I saw Yori with a horrified face and she was crying with blood on her clothes. " Yori get out of here " I said and she hugged me and said " I'm scared " I hugged her and pushed her away from me and said " go and get help, I'll see you again I promise "

She nodded and started walking away and I breathed in and then out. I looked up at Yuki who had more blood on her chin. I was always good at running fast, I will stop you Yuki, even if you are my adorable little twin sister.

" I'm sorry, everyone " I said and used all my speed which made me look that I was vanishing. I showed up behind Yuki and hit her and ran again and showed up in front of her and felt more tears roll down my cheeks and said " I love you, Yuki "

I then heard her scream in pain, " your a monster " she said and she had her short brown hair and I looked at a mirror and saw my crimson eyes and long sharp fangs. I looked at Yuki who had lifeless eyes.

" no please no, NO "

I opened my eyes and saw Zero looking at me with worry . " are you okay? You screamed in your sleep " he asked and I hugged him and felt tears roll down my cheeks. " Zero please don't leave me "

H nodded and wrapped his arms around me and he said " let's go before headmaster starts worrying " I nodded and got up and walked to the door. I opened it and walked out.

When I got to headmaster' door I knocked and I heard him say " come in~ " I opened it and saw Yuki and Kaname both waiting there as well. " oh....good morning" I said and smiled.

" Miyu-chan are you okay, your eyes are a little red " father said and I nodded and said " I just kept rubbing my eyes too much " he nodded and said " I brought you all here because kaname has thought to transfer zero to the night class "

My eyes widened and I said " no you can't, you can't take my big brother from me " headmaster looked taken back and said " Miyuki please, this is for the best " I shook my head and said " no this is what you think is best, zero wants to be with Yuki "

Yuki blushed and she said " headmaster I want zero to stay too " I glared at headmaster and he looked serious. Kaname finally spoke up and said " he is joining the night class and that's it " he then was about to walk out.

" kaname until you let zero back I won't ever talk to you or even think about you. I hate you " I said and ran out the door and I heard Yuki and headmaster yelling my name but I ignored them.

" Miyu-chan stop" I heard headmaster and I stopped and looked at him and he hugged me immediately. " father why would you let kaname take zero "

" Miyuki I'm sorry, but their is something else that only you can take care of. The Senate wants you to go on a mission for two weeks, they want you to find a insane vampire who used to be a vampire hunter and kill him "

I looked at him and said " but what about Yuki and Zero" he looked at me and brushed the bangs covering my right eye and said " they won't know " I smiled and hugged him tightly.

" thank you, I guess I leave tonight huh? " I said and he kissed my cheek and said " your strong, you can do anything. Just like your mother and father "


I grabbed my bag that contained some clothes and walked out of my dorm. " Miyuki what are you doing " I heard a feminine voice and turn and see Yori. " Yori! Um this is umm..I'm leaving for a while, please don't worry "

Before I knew it she had her hands around me hugging me tightly and she said " please come back soon, i I'll miss you " I smiled and hugged her back " I'll come back I promise, I'll see ya soon, Yori "

She smiled and I waved and started walking to the gates of the Academy. As I saw the car that was taken me but I heard a very husky voice " leaving without saying goodbye " I turned around and saw the Pureblood Prince.

" oh umm...I just thought you were mad at me, I'm sorry" I said, there was a gush of wind in a second i was in his strong arms. " I could never be mad at you, I..I love you "

When he said that my whole face went red until I felt something soft on my lips. My eyes widened and closed when we separated I smiled and said " I love you too, kaname-sama "

He smiled and I said " I'll see you when I come back, I love you kaname-sama " I kissed his cheek and ran to the car and got in as the person started driving.

' please stay safe ' I thought as I saw cross academy disappear from my view. I looked at the moon and thought ' I'm going to win for Cross Academy'

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